Algae bloom continues to contaminate Great Lakes drinking water

The algae bloom problem in the Great Lakes continues to be a threat to drinking water in the area. As a result the US and Canada will begin working together to try and quickly find ways of addressing the issue.

Algae is harmless in most cases, however, the problem is that in this case it is contaminating sources of drinking water.

Algae-borne toxins led to placing “do not drink” warnings for residents of both Pelee Island and Toledo’s municipal water system over the past summer.

The International Joint Commission released a report calling the need to reduce sources of phosphorous run off that causes algae blooms to spread.

The committee said it is important to stop spreading fertilizer on frozen or snow covered ground as a means of reducing phosphorous run off.

The commission is calling for a forced ban, however, the majority of politicians are looking for friendlier approach that is more voluntary. But many believe that anything voluntary would not be a surefire way of addressing the problem and if by chance it does, it certainly will not be fast enough.

University of Waterloo biology professor William Taylor previously said:

“Lake Erie is clearly in trouble,”

“We need an active and informed citizenry as well as commitment from all levels of government to fix the problems.

“Sharing the science with the public and listening to people who depend on the lake for livelihoods and quality of life is essential to this process.”

Toledo has had to spend millions of dollars over the past two years to eliminate the toxins from water that is drawn from Lake Erie.