4 Causes Of Low-Impact Car Accidents

After a low-impact car accident, you may be wondering what caused the crash and if you are liable. While many factors can contribute to a low-impact collision, four of the most common causes are here.


Low-impact car accidents are often caused by tailgating. A driver following another vehicle too closely makes it difficult to stop in time if the lead driver brakes suddenly. Low-impact car accidents usually result in minor damage to the vehicles involved, but they can still be costly to repair. In addition, low-impact car accidents can cause injuries, even if the vehicle damage is minor. Whiplash is a common injury that can occur in a low-impact car accident. If you are involved in a low-impact car accident, see a doctor, even if you do not feel pain immediately. In some cases, injuries from a low-impact car accident may not be apparent until days or weeks after the accident occurred.

Distracted Driving

Although it may seem like a minor fender bender, being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic experience. Even low-impact collisions can significantly damage your vehicle, and you may suffer from whiplash or other injuries. One of the most common causes of car accidents is distracted driving. When you take your eyes off the road, even for a moment, you significantly increase your chances of being involved in an accident. Distracted driving can include anything from talking on the phone to fiddling with the radio. Always remain focused when behind the wheel, and avoid any activities that could take your attention away from the road.


When someone speeding strikes another vehicle, the results are often catastrophic. But even when the damage is less severe, the victims of these accidents can face a long road to recovery. So-called low-impact car accidents typically involve speeds of 30 miles per hour or less. Despite the relatively low speeds, these accidents can cause serious injuries, including whiplash, back and neck injuries, and traumatic brain injuries. In addition to the physical pain and suffering these injuries can cause, victims may incur high financial costs, including medical bills and lost wages. Speeding is a preventable cause of low-impact car accidents, and all drivers should obey posted speed limits. By doing so, we can all make our roads safer for everyone.

Hazardous Conditions

Low-impact car accidents are less likely to cause serious injuries, but they can still be dangerous. Poor road conditions are a significant factor in these types of collisions. Potholes, cracked pavement, and ice can make it difficult to control a vehicle. In addition, poor visibility due to weather conditions can also contribute to low-impact car accidents. Even something as simple as a puddle of water can make the road slippery and reduce traction. As a result, it is essential to be extra cautious when driving in hazardous conditions. Slow down and allow for extra stopping distance. And be sure to stay alert and focused on the road ahead. By taking these precautions, you can help to avoid a low-impact car accident.

Low-impact car accidents are relatively common but can still be costly and cause injuries. If you are involved in a low-impact collision, you must see a doctor even if you feel fine. And always remember to drive carefully, especially in hazardous conditions. By taking these precautions, you can help to avoid an accident.

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