5 Careers to Stay Attuned to Industry Evolution

Who knows how soon a space marine will enrich a list of most dangerous military jobs, as job trends evolve together with our world. During COVID-19 main principles of job-hunting, recruiting, and even job ads format (https://federalresumeguide.com/what-do-few-vacancies-mean-on-usajobs/) have undergone significant changes. That’s why “we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place”, where under ‘place’ the job-seekers should mean volatile gig economy and fluctuating job market demand. As in the Red Queen’s race, you should put time and effort into choosing a specialty to remain on the same on-fire spot in several years. Here are five strategic pathways for boundaryless careers in engaging and time-proof professional areas.

#.1 Pathway for Information Technology Specialists

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has brought new standards of work, way of doing business, and communication. A tight fusion arises between industry and the Internet. Things like artificial intellect (AI), DNA, prototypes, strong algorithms, software development, and design, cloud services, big data analysis, and the Internet of Things (IoT) come closer through smart homes, energy, vehicles, aeronautics, and pharmaceuticals.
As smart technology concerns almost every sphere of our life, IT professions will blossom, requiring new abilities, digital skills, and as well as professions that don’t yet exist.

IT Professions of the Future

If you have analytical thinking and can solve problems in a creative way, you may feel like building a successful career in IT. Consider the following professions that will continue to be in high demand:
● AI Expert guides machine learning process;
● IoT Expert manages security and automation;
● White Hat fights cyberpiracy;
● Growth Hacker analyzes data for company’s online positioning;
● Climate Guardian implements green economy.

#2. Pathway for Alternative Energy Enthusiasts

Though there’s no need to say farewell to gas and oil, we all should do a sincere effort to reduce our dependency on energy sources that are harming the environment. The experts in the field of renewable energy expect it to make up 30% of the world’s energy supply by 2024. Numerous projects are riding on solar, wind, geothermal, hydrogen power, giving birth to thousands of workplaces and dozens of new careers.

Alternative Energy Professions of the Future

If you share the passion to make the spaces we live in environment-friendly and enjoy doing research, you’ll easily be able to turn that passion into a profession. Here are the careers in the alternative energies field to become mainstream in a short time:
● Environmental Consultant deals with pollution, air quality, and soil contamination;
● Contractor / Electrician equips buildings with alternative energy units;
● Green Engineering develops required equipment and upgrade processes;
● Mechanic maintains the electric vehicle;
● Sustainable Farming maintains soil productivity.

#3. Pathway for Content Writers

People are consuming more digital content, and this turns content writing, copywriting, and content marketing into the driving force of many businesses that boosts sales. With the explosion of websites and blogs, the writing industry is getting more and more saturated by freelancers, storytellers, and professional writers, who can generate high-quality content articles, newsletters, whitepapers, and reports. The basics of mass communication, journalism, and search engine optimization will make it easier to understand content creation in-depth. The demand for content creators is in a sustained fashion and continues to increase.

Professions of the Future for Content Creators

Content writing doesn’t require specific courses to make your future career. Good English and creative thinking are enough to initiate your further step. Here are some in-demand careers taken from a large scope of professions connected with content-making:

● Script-Writer / Producer creates content for media industry platform and YouTube;
● Public Relations Writer builds a company’s online appearance;
● Digital Marketing Writer writes for email marketing campaigns, SEO marketing;
● Creative Writer enlarges audience in social media;
● E-commerce Content Writer reviews products for online shopping websites.

#4. Pathway for Healthcare Specialists

Digitalizing healthcare normally would take years to become commonplace. Now you are used to speaking to a doctor using the camera on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. From digital-first primary care online consultations to virtual psychiatrist sessions, the pandemic is transforming healthcare systems around the world, bringing in fast-tracked technological advances. Due to rethinking the relationship between healthcare and tech million jobs will be added to this sector.

Professions of the Future for Healthcare Industry

If you enjoy working with people and have an aptitude for science and math, being ready to embrace technology in public healthcare, you may consider the following increasingly common professions in the future:
● Virtual Hospital Manager delivers virtual care;
● The Precision Medicine Compounding Pharmacist takes care of drug dispensing;
● 3D Printing Surgeon / Specialist performs surgical planning and reconstructions;
● Medical VR Programmer creates a virtual reality for neuro treatment and research;
● Epigenetic Consultant informs and educates about the genetic mechanism of disorders.

#5. Pathway for Financial Analysts

The world economy has been surviving difficult times due to COVID-19. Individuals and companies are in constant need of cost-benefit analyses, sound advice, and strategic decisions about their finances and businesses. In-depth knowledge of geographic regions allows financial analysts to develop detailed presentations of data for executive review. The ability to forecast market trends in the most unpredictable conditions makes this profession remaining in strong demand.

Professions in Financial Planning & Analysis of the Future

Knowledge of accounting, economic principles, a quick mind for numbers, and problem-solving abilities are the components of a successful career as a financial analyst. Here are the top roles with the help of which companies increase their revenue and shorten expenses now and then:
● Senior Financial Analyst reviews financial reports and gives recommendations;
● The finance Manager acts on financial analysis to highlight opportunities for efficiency;
● Vice President (VP) / Director manages work of one or all departments;
● Chief Financial Officer (CFO) supervises the management / financial accounting.

Seize the Moment

No doubt, tech influences plenty of professions and fields, either by creating new types of employment or evolving current roles. The skills we used for years have been already automated or will be soon. You should consider and adopt high-paying digital skills that power the new industries to get ahead of the next economic boom. Structure your career now to get a profitable future then.

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