5 Money-Saving Tips For Shopping in Israel

Israel is an expensive place to go to because of the prices of their goods there. However, there can be some things that you can tweak to make your stay budget-friendly. But, you need to be keen and sensitive upon haggling and negotiating.

As Israel is a place abundant with culture, there are people with evident differences in systems and beliefs as well. Hence, here are some of the things that can help you save your money when you are shopping in Israel.

  1. Plan your purchases. When traveling someplace else, it’s normal to get ahead of ourselves for a little, right? Well, get ahead of yourself! Research the place and look at the places where you can probably shop once you are already there. This is to guide you on how much budget you should allot for your purchases and how much money you would bring in general.

Besides planning your purchases, it would also help to read local shopping blogs to help you out. In that case, Nody is a credible resource for Israel shopping tips and price comparisons.


  1. Don’t buy according to emotions. There are a lot of good and attractive things that you can find in Israel, that’s for certain. But that doesn’t mean you should immediately buy once you see one that you like. Here’s the thing, that item that you are eyeing may also be available at another store, at a less expensive price. So, don’t buy impulsively. Instead, explore further. That way, you can land better deals and probably better quality of items, too!
  2. Well, there’s nothing wrong with giving it a shot, right? Sometimes, prices just need a little push. Depending on where you are shopping, you can haggle with vendors accordingly. But, you need to be extra sensitive. When they try to say no to you with conviction, just let it be. If you really want the item, buy it at that price. But if you think you can find it at a lower price, then let it go. Haggle accordingly and pay respect consistently.
  3. Stick to a list. If you’ve done your research before going around the area, we highly recommend making a list. That way, you can have an idea of the items you should be getting so that you wouldn’t have regrets. More so, it will allow you to save money as well because you have a guide on what you want and what you don’t. Because again, we highly discourage buying out of impulsiveness.
  4. Don’t use taxis. It’s like common knowledge for everyone who’s been to Israel that taxis are overrated. They are very expensive. So, we recommend refraining from riding a taxi so that you can save your money for shopping, instead. But, in case that you have to ride a taxi, tell them to use the meter. If they say they don’t have one, haggle right away.


Traveling is expensive. But, shopping doesn’t necessarily have to be! As long as you follow our tips above, you’ll be able to make more informed decisions when shopping in Israel.

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