5 Proven Ways To Increase Your Google Rankings

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These days, before buying anything online, we tend to check the brand’s Google ranking beforehand. In fact, even before making an offline purchase, like ordering food from a restaurant, we make sure to check the restaurant’s Google ranking and read all the associated reviews. And let me tell you, many people are addicted to this habit because as per stats, Google received around 360 billion searches in 2021 itself!

Well, honestly, this habit isn’t bad, as it really does help us in judging whether a business is good or not. Such is the importance of a good Google ranking! So today, it is only instinctive for any business to have a fair Google ranking.

This not only builds a positive image of the brand but also results in increased public trust in the business. So, if this made you wonder how you can actually increase your business’s Google rankings, here are 5 proven ways to help you:

  1. Work on that SEO

We’ve said it once, we’ll say it again – SEO is the boss of all your online activities and statistics. And trust me, without pleasing this boss, you will not be able to advance in the digital world. There could be multiple reasons why your business is down in the Google rankings. But mostly, the clear reason why the rankings are poor is that your website does not show in the SERPs!

And if it doesn’t show, well, no matter what you do, your business will not come into the limelight. The only way you can fix this is by fixing all SEO-related issues like optimizing the keyword research, posting good content, associating with trusted backlinks, etc. Resort to an expert like https://studiohawk.co.uk/ for fixing these issues for you.

  1. Optimize your website for mobile usage

A website that works swiftly on the PC only is so yesterday. In 2021, you need to come up with a website that works just as efficiently on the smartphone as on any laptop. The reasons are obvious – people are getting busier, and nowadays smartphones have all those features that a normal PC provides, if not more.

So, a website whose interface doesn’t comply with mobile usage is a huge no-no! Hence, you need to take steps in order to make your website mobile-friendly. Trust me, this small change ends up making a huge difference in the overall rankings of a business.

  1. Build links

If your website relies solely on external links for leads and reaches, it’s about time you change that. Link building involves both, building external and internal links so as to fetch the best outcome. What does that mean? Link one page of your website to another page on your site.

Also, to increase the rankings, you might also need to fix the broken links because they do affect your rankings negatively. So, in a nutshell, working on the links is another important thing to keep in mind when working for improving your Google rankings.

  1. Create worthy content

A typical website is cherished by the masses because of two reasons – either it is helpful to them in any way, or it is irresistibly addictive because the content is just so good! Now, if yours is a business website that specializes in selling products or services, the only way you can drive in the audience is by creating content that revolves around your product, it being really very interesting.

Believe me, you can never win against a website that is content-driven from the core and publishes high-quality content every now and then.

  1. Take help from Google

Lastly, if you’re struggling to improve your Google rankings, why not take help from the master only? Yes, Google has this feature called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide which is helpful for those who wish to promote their content via Google search.

This is preferably the simplest route to learn what is wrong with your website, why the rankings are poor, and how exactly you can fix them. The best part? You get tailor-made suggestions and advice to fix the issues.

Over to you…

To have a respectable Google ranking is important, but the path to the top is not easy. Here, we listed the 5 proven ways through which you can increase your Google rankings. This article will surely help you in achieving a better ranking on Google listings.

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