5 Things That You Should Do If Your Family Member Has an Addiction

When one member of the family is a victim of addiction, it affects the entire family. While the addict keeps suffering from drug or alcohol abuse, the productivity of others goes down the tubes. Sadly, most families cannot gather up the courage to speak about their dear one’s addiction. Even though it is hard to discuss such personal matters, they must be addressed before it is too late. Failing to do so can be a disaster in the making.

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Nowadays, it is quite common to see a family member who uses or misuses drugs in some or other way. Be it the abuser or the family member, knowing the things to do in such situations is highly important.

Fortunately, this drug rehab in Orange County, CA, is always available to support such abusers and family members to recover from these difficult times. In this article, their expertise offers the 5 most essential things you should do if your family member is abusing drugs or struggling with addiction.

Firstly, Know What Addiction Really Is

Addiction can infiltrate all aspects of your lives! Yes, that is true. Thus, knowing it well before it hits you hard is the very first step you should consider.

As we tend to see what we already know, we often overlook addiction-related things that happen right in front of us.

Consider this episode: There’s this friend of mine, Megan. She is a parent of an 18-year-old girl. One day, Megan and her colleague went to a restaurant. While in the ladies’ washroom, Megan came across the familiar scent and told her colleague that her daughter uses the same perfume. Her colleague then said to her that it wasn’t perfume but marijuana.

Surprising right? Till then, Megan was totally unaware of these things, and that is why she ended up overlooking the drug abuse that was occurring right before her eyes.

When you know what addiction or drug abuse is, you can handle it better. If your family member is openly struggling with addiction, it is nothing less than a blessing in disguise.


Well…let us clear that! You get clear about the facts and not left conflicted about if he or she is troubled due to addiction. Secondly, you notice the apparent symptoms. These things save you from being clouded with doubts which can worsen the problem. Instead, it helps you overcome some of the most common complications that are associated with addiction.

Unfortunately, not many families are fit in this category. Most of them find it difficult to understand how severe the disorder is. As a result, the problem often gets overlooked. The most straightforward way to avoid this is to know the signs and symptoms of addiction so that you can identify it as soon as possible.

Now, the signs of addiction depend on several factors. Let us take a look at them:

  • How often does substance abuse occur?
  • What drug is being misused?
  • What is the quality of the substance every time the user consumes?
  • Is the user mixing one or more substances?
  • Does the user have pre-existing mental or physical health issues?

As long as the symptoms are concerned, there’s one simple thing — the more the abuse, the more severe the symptoms. But, this is not always the same case because some people are highly functional when they are under the influence. This makes it difficult for onlookers to notice any signs of addiction.

Despite everything, several other symptoms are shown by all such individuals. Some of them are given below:

  • Anti-social behavior
  • Secretive nature
  • Changing behavioral patterns
  • Struggling with finances
  • Relationship issues
  • Avoiding responsibilities
  • Risk-taking behavior

Make ‘Self-Care’ A Priority

If you want to help your family member to get out of that troublesome time, you have to be mentally and physically fit. You have to understand that addiction is a very serious issue, and you must not take it lightly. It has the power to affect your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing, although you are not the one who is addicted.

Needless to say, you must be physically and mentally well-prepared to face this storm. But how can you prepare yourself? It is simple! You can follow the given self-care habits to keep yourself in shape:

  • Exercise daily
  • Sleep properly
  • Eat healthy food
  • Participate in the activities that make you happy
  • Discuss your problems with friends, family, or a therapist
  • Never lose control of your life

Self-care is subjective to what kind of a person you are. However, if you want to be healthy, you have to take care of your personal needs and habits.

No one can help without being fit. If you neglect your needs, it is a recipe for disaster in the long run. It leaves you vulnerable to behavioral issues and only ends up with chaos in your personal and family life.

Empathize With The Sufferer To Cool Down The Situation

Addiction can happen to anyone. It is so invasive that it can emotionally wreck you out. When it is happening within your family, it is even worse. It can trigger up your feelings like anger, disappointments, and frustration that leads to hopelessness.

However, you can practice several things to get him or her out of active addiction. If you want to support the sufferer, you must learn to emphasize. You have to understand the fact that addiction is not a sign of poor intelligence or a flawed character. It is almost impossible to overcome addiction on your own. Even though your loved one is not asking for help, he or she needs it. It’s just that he or she is afraid to admit that.

Most of the time, people struggling with addiction are ashamed and depressed. They lose confidence in themselves and are often frightened to express their feelings. Even though they are aware of their out of character behavior, they cannot merely stop that. They often feel that if they reach out to the family, it will create more chaos. Ultimately, they end up getting isolated.

When you feel the pain your loved one is going through, you understand how crucial it is to approach him or her with proper love, care, and respect. If you stop blaming them for their situation and treat them with love, it will work as a perfect boost for the recovery.

Say Goodbye To Your Ego And Attitude

When you are at the other end, it’s really easy to judge the addict for their actions. Such kind of judgemental behavior can ruin your relationship with him or her. You may blame the addict for all the bad things happening in the family or maybe abuse or hit them, too.

In return, the situation even gets worse for the entire family. It is not invalid to be upset with your loved one here; but, you must check your emotions at the door for the wellbeing of the patient.

We understand that this is very easy to advise but can be the hardest thing to do. However, if you want to get your loved one back to normal, you have to control your attitude and ego. You have to treat them without judging their actions and put yourself in the best position to support them. If you are thinking about how it can help, well..this is how —

  1. They start trusting you
  2. They feel heard and understood
  3. They begin to understand the seriousness of the situation

An empathy-filled approach can be a game-changer in this situation. To put that in simple terms, it can make the difference between life and death.

Get The Most Suitable Treatment Plan

People suffering from addiction need extra assistance or care to recover. At our addiction treatment center in Southern California, we offer different types of treatments based on their needs. Our expertise helps you determine the best treatment plan with the help of comprehensive assessments.

Remember, your positive approach and encouragement can make a lot of difference to the one who is having a bad time with addiction. The most important thing you should do here is to get help for your family member as soon as possible. The sooner he or she gets sober, the lesser the chances of the damage.

No matter how severe the addiction is, there’s a recovery plan available. And although the road to recovery is foggy, there’s always a happier life waiting at the end.

If you know someone who is struggling with addiction feel free to contact Renaissance Recovery.


Renaissance Recovery


10175 Slater Ave Suite 200

Fountain Valley, CA 92708

(866) 330-9449

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