5 Tips for Building Your First Small Website in the Sleep Niche in Canada

Do you want to help Canadians get better sleep? Do you struggle with building a successful website? If you answered yes to either of these questions, consider these five tips for building your first small website in the sleep niche in Canada.

According to recent statistics, one in three Canadians suffer from poor sleep quality. Some causes for poor sleep quality include insomnia, snoring, or restless leg syndrome. Furthermore, some studies suggest that 40% of Canadians have sleep disorders.

With a global pandemic affecting mental health, we imagine Canadians are having a hard time getting enough rest. If you ask us, the sleeping niche in Canada is alive and well, and a massive audience is waiting for your help.

It’s a noble endeavor to strive to help Canadians sleep better, but how should you go about it? If you don’t have a solid plan in place, your message might not even reach them. So, read and follow these five best website-building strategies to help you carve your authority in the sleeping niche in Canada.

1. Start With Research

Every successful website in any niche must start with deep research. You need to research your audience, competitors, and market. As a result, you’ll be better prepared to make a big hit.

For example, your specific audience might be adult females struggling with sleep after delivering a child, while another market segment might target senior males struggling with insomnia. The more research you do, the better you understand your audience and serve them better than your competitors.

Model successful websites in the sleeping niche. Look at website design, keywords, and traffic volume, and avoid imitation. Try a high-traffic website like SleepingNorth for ideas.

2. Use Proven SEO Tactics

SEO is a long-term game, so you should start your SEO efforts from day one. By targeting keywords your audience searches for, you may appear higher in search engine results and get more clicks. Thus, converting visitors into customers via compelling content.

Link building is a proven strategy to improve your small website’s SEO. Here are some SEO tactics to try:

  • Guest Blogging: Publish your content on other websites in the sleeping niche in Canada with a link back to your website.
  • Design Compelling Infographics: Create and post information-rich infographics and invite other niche leaders to share them.
  • Fix Broken Links: Use Ahref Broken Link Checker to find broken links on authority websites and offer to replace them with your content.

3. Leverage Email, Social Media, and Content Marketing

Email and social media marketing are powerful tools in your website-building toolbox that you shouldn’t ignore. Building your newsletter helps you stay in touch with your audience while your social media presence attracts traffic. Sooner or later, you’ll need to expand outside your website to reach your audience where they are.

Take a strategic content marketing approach to both when you’re building your first small website in the sleeping niche in Canada. You’ll need to focus some of your resources on building your email list. In addition, you may even need to invest in paid advertising on social media down the line to grow an audience faster.

Like SEO, email and social media promotion are a long game. However, the earlier you start, the stronger your audience will grow over time. They’re instrumental in indirectly improving your website’s SEO, so don’t skip them.

4. Strategize

Our tips for building your first small website in the sleeping niche in Canada are mere pointers if you don’t have a plan. In other words, you need a documented strategy that includes steps to take to achieve specific goals. Your budding website won’t go far without a unifying process, especially in the highly competitive sleep niche.

Your strategy may include the specific problems you’re solving, posting frequency, and content writing style. It should identify your monetization plans, brand visual identity, and growth opportunities. Furthermore, SWOT analysis might be an excellent start to crafting a workable strategy.

Where do you see your website in 5 years? Think it through and reverse engineer it from there. Then, evaluate and refine your strategy each step of the way.

5. Learn to Be a Data Scientist

Building a successful website is an art and science, and the science portion is all about tracking and monitoring your progress. So, learn to analyze, understand, and make sense of the data.

Learn to spot and capitalize on trends. For example, you might notice your audience is talking about a new melatonin treatment. If so, could you publish an in-depth review and your expert opinion? Maybe more sport-type males from British Columbia are visiting your website. Is it possible to adapt and tailor your website content to that segment? Think like a storytelling data scientist.


Finances and health are tough niches; you’ll need more than a passion for succeeding. In essence, you help people with vital health decisions, so you’ll need authority. You can build and cement your authority by following our tips for making your first small website in the sleeping niche in Canada.

You’re more than a media company — you’re also a health researcher. You’ll need to keep on top of the latest research, studies, and trends to keep your audience informed. Prepare to have your own beliefs questioned in the process.

In conclusion, building a website takes time, planning, and funds. While the process begins with passion, it is ultimately fueled by demand. If you have both, that’s a winning combination.

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