6 Ways to Fight the Skill Gap with Seamless Remote AR Training 

Many companies are scrambling to get back to business as usual after COVID-19 disrupted their operations, and they’ve used a variety of innovative technologies to accomplish so. Despite this, the pandemic has resulted in the loss of numerous jobs and the development of a skills gap that has left many companies perplexed. The incorporation of new technology has alleviated the lack of trained workers, but the fact is that there is still a considerable skills gap.  

All of us know that having a well-trained frontline workforce is critical to a company’s success. It is imperative that you address the skills shortage in your staff. What if there was a way to teach new hires with remote assistance or those with less experience as quickly as possible and with minimal expense?  

When used in conjunction with remote assistance, augmented reality (AR) can help you bridge the skills gap in your workforce. Plutomen Connect is an augmented reality assistance platform enabling the workforce to bridge the gap and acquire the necessary skills to execute efficient and productive work rapidly. All troubleshooting processes can be taught and supported by this software.  

The traditional training and onboarding methods aren’t going to cut it anymore, according to industry experts, who recommend a shift to digital training methods instead. 

The entry barrier to skilled work must be lowered. This can only be accomplished by maturing processes and equipping front line teams with enhanced AR Training instructions to simplify complex environments. Are you ready to see how, read on!  

  1. Knowledge retention and data-driven mentorship

As part of Plutomen Assist’s augmented reality training process your front-line employees use to complete their assigned tasks, training is incorporated into the process. Each stage of training AR can have its own set of training materials. To make things easier, tasks are standardized.

As a manager, you have real-time visibility into how long a task should take and when an employee is struggling. You can provide the mentorship and training that inexperienced workers need to perform at their best. Giving your top performers praise helps them feel like they’re contributing to your company’s success and makes them more likely to stay on.  

Plutomen Assist makes it simple to turn one-off solutions developed by your experts into long-term benefits for your entire company. The remote augmented reality platform of Assist can be used to solve the same problem repeatedly.

Your experts can include diagnostic and resolution steps in Plutomen Assist to make it simple for less experienced workers to implement expert solutions without starting from scratch. With remote assistance, using every challenge you face is an opportunity for your entire organization to grow and learn. Organizations must keep this information in their heads if they want to compete in today’s job market.

  1. Training that is both practical and iterative

When you use paper-based training, your front-line employees’ experiences and needs aren’t considered. On the other hand, remote assistance AR does not operate in this manner. When paper-based training processes are replaced with digital ones, it takes months to get new videos and relevant documentation out to production lines, factories, and even the entire organization.

Every day, remote assistance support of Plutomen Assist is tested on the frontline workers. They can provide feedback on what they found helpful and what they found unnecessary while on the job. Based on feedback from the frontline worker training can be omitted or enhanced to address knowledge gaps. 

As a result, your front-line employees will feel more in control of their work and more satisfied with their jobs.

  1. Step-by-Step Instructions that are Rich in Context

In addition, some excellent LMS programs do not integrate with your workflow management system. By scanning the barcode on the asset, Plutomen Assist provides machine-specific instructions.  

Machine-specific knowledge is captured through contextually rich instructions. It is possible to update and redeploy these instructions as the machine’s health degrades. Plutomen Assist’s digital instructions evolve with the needs of your front line and are designed to collect tribal expertise before it leaves the door.

  1. In the case of recurring tasks, automate the work and training instructions.

Plutomen Assist eliminates the need for managers to waste time printing daily work instructions and to break down jobs into discrete tasks. To fully automate the assignment of training materials for recurring tasks, Assist helps you assign the right worker with the right work instructions for each one.  

  1. Take Advantage of On-Demand Training Whenever You Need It  

Regarding paper-based training, the amount of material that can fit in a three-ring binder is a limitation. As a result, teams on the front lines have to waste time searching through binders to find the information they need. With Plutomen Assist, your front-line employees can access on-demand training materials whenever and wherever they need them.  

As soon as a job is assigned, workers can receive new digital instructions and all the support they need to carry out the task. You’re giving your employees the flexibility they need to keep up with the rapid changes in their working environments.

  1. Easy-to-follow onboarding instructions

Imagine how many words you could say with just one picture. Having a video showing exactly how something is done is even more valuable. With Plutomen Assist, your front-line workers can be trained without using actual machines thanks to the easy import of AR 3D models. Each 3D model is highly detailed, which aids in the transfer and comprehension of information. This aids manufacturer whose front-line workers have differing levels of education and must quickly come together. Using these step-by-step interactive instructions, even contractors can get the job done the first time correctly.  

Plutomen Assist’s detailed work instructions enable employees to take on new tasks quickly and effectively while remaining unsupervised. Whenever they have a question, our best in class, as part of AR remote assistance, can connect them to experts in their field.


Industrial organizations are turning to digital transformation to mitigate the impact of industry-wide issues, such as a lack of workers, while still delivering critical business value. When you use remote assistance software, even if your employees lack experience, you can always assist them in their development. Book a free augmented reality consultation with us by requesting a demonstration of our remote assistance software. Request a Demo Now!


  • How can an AR remote assistance platform like Plutomen assist set the stage for next-generation training? 

Using a training AR platform like Plutomen Assist, industry experts can create their own AR training model that is tailored to their needs. Step-by-step instructions appear right in front of the employee’s eyesight. In addition to reducing the workload, it aids in processes such as assembly and manufacturing as well as quality assurance and AR training. 

  • Is augmented training possible with QR codes and barcode scanning? 

Yes, remote assistance support is very much possible with Plutomen Assist. Using a barcode or QR code on machines, front-line workers can quickly access guides and training materials linked to specific machines’ specific parts. 

  • How to close information gaps using Plutomen Assist? 

You can quickly create a knowledge repository with Plutomen Assist to fill in information gaps. Make it easy for new employees to get up to speed quickly and identify areas for improvement. 

  • Can Plutomen Assist ease the onboarding process? 

Yes, Plutomen Assist can ease the onboarding process to a large degree. It accomplishes this by providing your workforce with accurate AR training, thereby reducing the risk of unplanned downtime because your frontline engineers will be able to handle complex situations on-site. 

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