7 Ways to Avoid Injury in Texas

Accidents lead to approximately 169,000 deaths a year. Unintentional accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. It ranks third behind heart disease and cancer. Texas accounts for about 10,000 of those deaths annually.  

Here Are Some Of The Most Common Accidents In Texas To Be Mindful Of:

Car Accidents

The number of deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents is around 40,000. According to the experts at https://flemingattorneys.com/, 25% of injuries in Texas fall under motor vehicle accidents. Accidents can be the result of multiple factors, so it may require professionals or law enforcement to be able to resolve a situation. Defensive and aware driving is the best way to avoid traffic incidents.  

Slips and Falls

12% of injuries in Texas are due to slips and falls. This can occur in the home, a public setting or in the workplace. Approximately 36,000 deaths in the U.S. are the result of slips and falls.  Proper equipment and prevention tools can help mitigate 

Unintentional Poisoning

Unintentional poisoning accounts for a bit over a quarter of injuries. This includes things such as the accidental ingestion of chemicals or substances not intended for consumption. The number of deaths caused by unintentional poisoning is approximately 64,000.

Defective Product Accidents

Things like toys, tools, appliances, household items, and machinery, if defective, can be responsible for a wide range of injuries.

Other Injuries

Other injuries, although not as fatal, can still happen anywhere in any setting and can be a huge detriment to our daily lives. Things like strains, sprains, fractures, contusions and stresses on the body due to work or sports can force us to have to go to doctors or specialists, and step away from our daily routines.

Now with some information of the most common accidents, here are 7 helpful tips to help you avoid accidents.

1. Prevention

A safety plan implemented early on can help mitigate and help eliminate potential risks of injury that could occur at a workplace or other location. In the workplace, things like signs, lighting, clear to read and understand instructions, are extremely important in helping guide workers safely. Out in public on the road, traffic signs and lights serve just as an important role, as well as things like police checks for alcohol or speeding — as these help in preventing accidents from occurring. In the home, prevention can be done in a wide variety of ways, from the installation of safety rails to keeping hazardous products locked away from children. Take the proper measures to ensure that the environment is safe for those in the area. 

2. Equipment

Proper equipment should be in place for jobs that require machinery. Frequently used machinery should be checked often and routine maintenance checks should be conducted to keep them running optimally and safely. Wearing the correct protective gear is imperative in preventative measures to ensure worker safety.

3. Job Training

Proper training for jobs should be standard as this helps ensure that the right procedures are followed for job tasks. This gives people the knowledge of how to properly work without putting themselves in unnecessary danger. 

4. Knowledge

Knowledge goes hand in hand with the proper training for the workplace. Manuals and instructions should be up-to-date and meet all safety protocols. Understand what tools and machines you may be using and learn about their safety practices. Outside of work, and in public spaces, know your city’s laws. Be aware of signs and information, as things like road signs and symbols may not be the same everywhere you go.

5. Caution

Whether at the workplace or on the road, taking extra precaution wherever you are can help in preventing injuries due to accidents. Bear in mind that sometimes those around us may not be careful, so the best thing you can do is prepare yourself and be ready to react in the event that anything that happen. 

6. Remove distractions

This can mean things like a clean workplace, ensuring you are not driving with other distractions, or at work trying to multitask when the situation requires your undivided attention. Ensure that all distractions and clutter are removed and keep an organized work or personal area to complete a job properly and safely. Also, be careful when taking any shortcuts and ensure all steps of a job or on the road are done correctly. On the road, if you miss a turn keep your calm and ensure you continue driving without putting yourself or others in danger. Although this process may sometimes mean it’ll take longer to reach your destination, putting the safety of yourself and others is imperative.

7. Communication

If you see anything that can cause accidents, you need to find a way to communicate this information. Communicate with your coworkers, managers, the general public, law enforcement, and your family. Let others know of something dangerous that should be avoided and, if possible, someone with the ability to fix the problem. Sometimes all the previous steps may not be enough and it will be up to an individual to communicate with others about a dangerous situation.

You can’t always control how others are around you and anytime you are in public or on the road, there’s always a risk of injury. But with these helpful tips, and by staying cautious and aware, you can decrease your chances of being in an accident. Be careful, be mindful, don’t be a statistic.