4 steps to become a successful freelance writer

Does the life of a freelance writer appeal to you? Social media is seemingly bursting with people who gave up their humdrum 9-5 for a life of working from home and typing away in cafes with an endless supply of insta-worthy coffee. But in order to be a successful freelance writer you’re going to need much more than a desire to leave your normal job and a favourite café. Wondering what you need to make it? Check out these 4 steps to become a successful freelance writer.

Writer image 4994994Get the right software

There’s so much more to writing than meets the eye, you need to be accurate and maintain a high quality of work, especially when you have lots of deadlines looming. Investing in plagiarism software is beneficial to anyone who is considering starting a freelance writing business.

When your work is accurate, free of mistakes and plagiarism it illustrates a strong work ethic, that you’re honest and that you value the writing commissions you have been offered, which in turn will lead to more work. Check out this website for the latest in plagiarism checking software and to compare providers.

Create an online portfolio

In the world of digital freelance, you need to be proactive if you want to influence potential clients and persuade them to choose you over a competitor. One way to do this is by creating an online portfolio that showcases your best work. Providing a potential employer with links to your portfolio, shows that you’re proactive in your work and that you’re completely professional and serious about your freelance writing career. You can create a blog that serves as a showcase or send links to your online published works.

Become a successful freelance writers image 44444Get yourself into a routine

Believe it or not, the world of freelance writing isn’t as laid back as it might appear. With strict deadlines, large amount of words to write, topics that require research, maintaining high levels of accuracy and flow, all whilst creating engaging and interesting content. Even though you’re no longer working in a traditional office environment, you still need to exercise restraint, organisation and the ability to set yourself a work routine.

Self-discipline is everything, you cannot afford to distract yourself with the TV, piles of laundry and online videos to waste your time. You can write to-do lists in order to help you. Or try using Google Calendar or even a traditional white board to keep yourself organised and on target.

Find a niche and make yourself an expert

In freelance writing there are such things as “generalist” writers, these are writers who can successfully write about any topic with some basic research. While these writing gigs pay well, if you want to really boost your income as a freelance writer then consider becoming a specialist in a certain subject. This will give you an edge over your competitors! Areas that are good for niche writers include, SEO, mental health, career advice, business, parenting, sports etc. Consider what your niche could be and start studying.


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