Best Amazon Seller Tools for FBA in 2022 logo 3993

Sales on Amazon have already become simpler with the advent of FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). However, despite the great help in sales provided by FBA (goods packing, storage, shipping, etc.), there is no time to relax for sellers.

The success of sales still depends on sellers. And the success of sales on Amazon depends on the use of seller tools. Such seller instruments are special programs, which are aimed at the advancement of the Amazon selling system and increase of sellers’ income.

Let’s get familiar with the list of the best Amazon seller tools in 2022, which are indispensable if you want to develop your Amazon sales:

  • SellerSonar
  • camelcamelcamel
  • Keepa
  • Keyword Tool
  • FBA Calculator for Amazon
  • Google Trends
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • AMZ Base
  • URL Shorteners
  • Unicorn Smasher
  • Sonar-tool


Amazon software tool used for automatic metrics monitoring. SellerSonar helps not to miss changes in product titles, bullets, images, slogans, etc. The program sends you an automated alert with the info about changes.


One of those tools that are not designed for special occasions but used several times a day. It is aimed at price monitoring, so it gives you information about price changes, goods sale rank, and even price history. The tool informs you with special alerts.


This FBA tool is quite similar to the previous camelcamelcamel. Though, it offers the possibility to simplify the search due to the possibility to select the timeframes when looking for the product history. This makes the research of the product more accurate.

Keyword Tool

The importance of keywords and key phrases for online sales is well-known. To make the use of this SEO method more effective, Keyword Tool helps to test keywords in different search engines, filter them by regions, etc.

FBA Calculator for Amazon

Sales always mean working with multiple different numbers. So, an instrument for the calculation is irreplaceable. FBA Calculator is appropriate for various calculations including one of the most important – calculations of the profit margin after all fees and charges. After the installation, the tool functions right on the page of your product.

Google Trends

With Google Trends, it is possible to get familiar with historical patterns of keywords and follow current SEO trends.

Google Keyword Planner

This Planner is perfect for the exploration of keywords, their trends, competition, etc. Moreover, it helps to find necessary keywords, which meet all your requirements. The tool provides live support.

AMZ Base

Free FBA tool that assists to look for products and their descriptions. Its main assignment is to save users’ time and effort.

URL Shorteners

There are two best URL shorteners for sellers – and The working mechanism of both programs is the same, so the choice depends on your individual expectations of the interface. Moreover, both URL shorteners offer a lot of additional resources useful for any online business.
The working mechanism of both programs is the same, so the choice depends on your individual expectations of the interface. Moreover, both URL shorteners offer a lot of additional resources useful for any online business.

Unicorn Smasher

The tool is great for such procedures as regular income estimates, monthly revenue reports, data analysis, and others. Unicorn Smasher simplifies and accelerates all calculations and technical processes.


Free FBA program aimed at the creation of a handy database, which accumulates every fact about the product you need to know. It is quite useful for the detailed research of a certain niche and understanding the peculiarities of sold goods.

The use of these and other seller tools for FBA makes your sales on Amazon much more effective, inasmuch as the implementation of such tools has an impact on buyers and sellers. It is always necessary to develop your business to get a chance to increase your income and open new business opportunities.

Interesting Related Article:”An Introduction to Selling on Amazon”