CBD: A Rapidly Growing Alternative to Traditional Treatments

CBD is quickly rising to ever-higher levels of fame in the United States. According to the latest industry forecasts, cannabis sales, in general, are expected to reach $23 billion within the next five years. To put matters into perspective, an estimated $16 billion of that is likely to come from CBD sales alone.

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Some reports indicate this estimate is a bit conservative and actual figures could surpass the projected highs. Considering all the new research on CBD and the many innovative uses for it, that sentiment may very well ring true during the years to come.

What Is CBD?

When people talk about cannabis, they tend to focus on THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana. Many overlook its lesser-known cousin, CBD. This is the non-psychoactive component of marijuana. Some strains of the plant contain both THC and CBD. Others only have THC, while certain ones have little to no THC but a surplus of CBD.

Though this compound doesn’t generate the type of high THC is known for, it offers a wide range of benefits. Those who want to try Pure Plan or other CBD-based products have plenty of options to choose from and can expect quite a few positive effects.

Potential Uses for CBD?

Studies have unearthed a long list of potential uses for CBD. It has been deemed effective for treating many medical conditions and emotional disorders. One of the most common reasons people take CBD is the treatment of insomnia and other sleep disorders

Since it tends to generate a calming effect, many people find it helps them relax and fall asleep faster than they would otherwise. It can also help people sleep longer rather than waking up several times each night. Of course, there are several other uses for this compound as well.


CBD - Rapidly Growing Alternative to Traditional Treatments
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Approximately 40 million people in America suffer from anxiety disorders. Although experiencing a certain level of anxiety in certain situations is normal, anxiety disorders involve irrational levels of fear over everyday scenarios. They can also cause extreme, overwhelming worry and interfere with daily life.

Prescription medications and therapy are available to help treat anxiety, but they’re not completely effective for everyone. About 60 percent of CBD users take products containing this compound for anxiety, and most insist it gives them relief when other treatments are either minimally effective or altogether futile.


Numerous people also take CBD for pain relief. From migraines to chronic back pain, many who suffer from various types and levels of pain swear by CBD as an effective remedy. A growing list of studies backs those claims. Since few negative side effects are reported with CBD and most research shows it’s not addictive like opioids, it could be a helpful alternative to prescription painkillers.

For those who are interested in trying CBD for pain, a number of products are available. It comes in pill form as well as tinctures, topicals, and edibles, all of which can certainly aid in reducing discomfort.


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Dozens of conditions either cause inflammation or are caused by it. Some of the most common are IBD, asthma, arthritis, and skin irritation. Inflammation is often the result of the body trying to fight off some type of infection or injury.

In some cases, serious or long-term inflammation can cause damage to healthy cells and have a negative impact on areas of the body not directly affected by the issue. In turn, this can increase the risk of developing other dangerous conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s to name a few.


Experts tout CBD for many reasons, but focus on the fact that it doesn’t seem to be addictive. In fact, recent studies show that it may help battle addictions. In some cases, it’s being used to wean people off particularly harmful drugs, like opioid painkillers, heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines.

CBD has also shown promise in helping people break their dependence on nicotine, though not all research concurs. It’s said to provide the same anxiety relief as nicotine, so it could replace cigarettes for some people. In other instances, it’s being used to reduce the effects people gain from cigarettes so they find there’s no point in smoking. As a result, they eventually break their addiction to nicotine.

Those are only a few of the possible uses for CBD. It helps alleviate seizure disorders, the pain of cancer and side effects of cancer treatments, PTSD, and many other conditions. No doubt, studies will reveal even more uses for the compound moving forward. As this happens, the demand for CBD-based products will continue to increase.

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How Does CBD Work?

Right now, the jury is still out on exactly how CBD works to provide relief from pain, anxiety, inflammation, insomnia, and other problems. Some studies indicate that it may fight the conditions at their sources.

Others show that it’s more a matter of changing the way the mind and body react to medical conditions and the many factors that cause them. Either way, we know that CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, an internal network of neurotransmitters and receptors that affect the way we perceive pain, stressors, and other elements.

Does CBD Cause Negative Side Effects?

For the most part, CBD doesn’t cause negative side effects. Some people report experiencing digestive issues after taking products that contain the compound. It may also lead to increases or decreases in appetite. By extension, it can cause weight gain or loss in a few instances. Sometimes, people may also experience a bit of dizziness or nausea after taking CBD until they figure out their appropriate doses.

A growing number of people are turning to CBD for relief from many medical conditions. Some are looking for an effective treatment when prescription medications and conventional remedies have failed them. Others just don’t want to rely on synthetic medications and potentially dangerous pharmaceuticals.

Several products are available for those who would rather use CBD, and the possible uses for this time-tested treatment are only going to grow. If you’re interested in a safe, effective alternative to the norm, consider trying CBD. Since there’s little risk of side effects and no danger of addiction, you’ve got nothing to lose but what ails you.

Interesting related article: “What is Cannabidiol?