Common Cannabis Plant Problems

Many first time farmers experience an ‘aha’ moment with the realization that Cannabis is just as susceptible to normal plant problems like any other plant. These problems are so typical that experienced farmers can adequately identify them and make appropriate decisions to fix them.

Marijuana image 4r994994
Cannabis is uses by smoking, within food, vaporizing, and as an extract.

Having proper knowledge of problems you are likely to encounter when growing Cannabis is crucial for a successful experience. Here are some problems to expect as your plants grow:

Bud Rot

Bud rot, also known as grey mold, is every weed farmer’s nightmare as it affects the most important part of your plants-the buds, eventually spreading to other parts and the worst part is that it can start overnight in seemingly healthy plants and catch you off guard.

The Botrytis cinerea fungi causes this dreadful condition, which is characterized by buds rotting from within. Its spores spread by water, animal contact or wind and they multiply rapidly once they land a plant host.

  • Rapid yellowing of some leaves
  • Dust like substance on buds
  • White, fluffy appearance on buds
  • Greyish or brownish patches
  • Drying out patches
Control Measures

Ensure proper air circulation – Poor airflow around your plants creates a conducive environment for mold growth.

Prevent wounds in plants – Wounds provide an easy entry point for spores to enter the plant and multiply and are caused by pests, strong winds or aggressive plant training.

Control humidity – High humidity levels are the leading causes of mold and lowering the humidity is the only way to keeps buds dry and control its spread.

Weed out sick plants – Eliminating affected plants will reduce the rate and extent of the spread of fungi considerably.

Cultivate resistant strains Homegrown Cannabis Company can advise you on strains with high bud rot resistance and give you top tips for healthy Cana plants.

Pest Infestation

Cannabis plants are affected by a wide range of pests and identifying them on time is essential for effective control and minimal damage. Common pests that pose a threat to your plants include:

  • Caterpillars: They eat parts of the leaf, leaving holes and tiny black droppings. They are easily controlled using garlic pepper sprays and biological enemies like spined soldier bugs.
  • Grasshoppers: High numbers are detrimental to your plant leaves as they are vicious eaters of green matter. Pyrethrin and neem formulations offer adequate control against grasshoppers
  • Leafminers: They are insect larva that survive on plant leaf tissues, leaving a pale brown trail as they burrow on the leaf surface. Leafminers can be controlled with spinosad or removing the affected plants.
  • Red Spider Mites: These insects are hardly visible to the naked eye and best-detected under a magnifying lens. Neem based pesticides and alcohol-water mixtures are used to control their population.
  • Rodents:  Rodents are a big nuisance to most outdoor farms as they are great at hiding, coming out only when no one is nearby. Cats are excellent and safe control and can be used in combination with traps for better rodent management.
  • Whiteflies:  Whiteflies pose a great threat to Cannabis plants as they suck sap from the leaves and are difficult to control as they multiply rapidly. They are controlled biologically using repelling plants like marigolds, neem formulations and yellow sticky traps.

Heat-Induced Stress

Too much light and heat are detrimental to your weed plants as they scorch the leaves, which are crucial for high yields. Heat stress is common in indoor plants that are too close to the light, while outdoor plants are exposed to stress during hot spells with insufficient water supply.

  • Curled leaf edges
  • Abnormal growth on top of buds known as foxtails
  • Bleached appearance on top leaves
  • Brown spots and yellowing of leaves
  • White pistils before maturity
Control measures

Install temperature monitors-Indoor temperature can easily be monitored using temperature monitors for quick detection of extreme changes.

Adequate watering-Outdoor plants will easily suffer heat stress if your watering schedule is irregular or the water insufficient. Providing heat water will offer great stress tolerance to your Cana plants.

Planting on insulated containers- Propagating your weed seeds on insulated pots such as those made of ceramic offer great protection against high temperatures, reducing the chances of stress.

Installing an oscillating fan-Indoor air circulation can pose great challenges to stress management. Sometimes, the best bet is installing an oscillating fan to facilitate proper airflow and cool down the environment.

Seaweed extracts-Liquid Seaweed extracts provide excellent stress prevention and management as they contain cytokinins, which are known stress relievers in plants.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Proper plant nutrition goes a long way to ensure healthy plant growth and better yields. Cannabis plants require various nutrients for proper growth and identifying some common deficiencies allows farmers to take appropriate measures before the situation gets out of hand. Here are a few deficiencies and their symptoms:

Phosphorous deficiency-Phosphorous is essential for proper germination optimal flowering. Low phosphorous levels are common in hydroponics.

  • Stunted growth
  • Dark leaves
  • Brown leaf tips
  • Curling of leaf tips

The easiest way to fix phosphorous deficiency is to apply fertilizers with higher levels of the nutrient.

Potassium Deficiency

Potassium is needed by the plant to facilitate the flor of water and nutrients to all parts of the plant and provide resistance and aids photosynthesis.

  • Leaves turning brown
  • Burnt appearance on leaf tips
  • Fragile plants
  • Yellow leaves
  • Delayed flowering

Water-soluble fertilizers with high potassium levels are ideal for fixing potassium deficiency. Other fertilizers used should have high ratios of ‘K’ to ensure the deficiency is manageable.

Nitrogen Problems

Nitrogen is crucial for the growth of plants as it is responsible for the formation of amino acids and chlorophyll and low nitrogen problems lead to reduced yields.

  • Pale green leaves
  • Yello, dying leaves
  • Leaves dying from the tips, inwards
  • Stunted growth

Using water-soluble fertilizers with higher nitrogen concentrations are an effective solution for the problem, with improvements noticeable within a week. Urea can also be used, but it takes time to break it down

Cannabis is not only a plant with many health benefits but one with immense potential when cultivated in ideal conditions. These problems are the most prevalent in the Cannabis plant and having proper knowledge about them and their treatment options is essential for healthy plants, better yields and fatter bank accounts.

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