Decisive Mistakes That Every Startup Business Should Avoid

Owning your own company is the goal for many entrepreneurs. They have a unique vision that they want to share with the world. They aim to provide unique products and services that are specifically designed to meet the wants and needs of targeted groups of people.

There are a lot of things to consider when deciding to begin a small business. Besides figuring out who you are and what you want to do, you also have to think about what you need to accomplish your goals. You may have to partner with other companies for financing and distribution. You’ll also have to think about where you’re going to run your business, where you’re going to conduct business and how many employees you’ll need to get things started.

It can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Taking the time to properly prepare and execute your plans can make all the difference between success and struggle. There are a lot of online resources that can help. Take some time to read case histories and success stories online. You can also talk to your colleagues or mentors to gain some invaluable advice in getting your company off the ground.

Here are a few decisive mistakes that every startup business should avoid:

1. A lack of planning

Decisive mistakes startup articleOne of the most important elements of starting and running a successful company is planning. You should have a business plan and be prepared to implement it. Creating timelines can help measure your progress. Planning is one of the most important aspects of any business, and it can take considerable time to get your initial plans started. Take as much time as necessary to create and revise your business plan.

Establish goals and benchmarks along the way. You can even establish rewards for goals that are accomplished on time or ahead of time. Every company has its own unique challenges every day. Being able to organize can help you become better prepared for those circumstances. It can also help to identify possible opportunities to capitalize on.

The nice thing about business plans is that they’re usually flexible. If something needs to change, it can be changed. They aren’t set in stone. They are a framework that can lead to long-term growth and success for many organizations.

2. Growing too fast or too slow

Smaller business take considerable time to grow. That’s perfectly fine. You may not turn a profit for months or even years. It can take a while for people to find out about who you are and what you have to offer. Businesses also often evolve and adapt to market changes and customer needs. If you grow too fast, it can be very difficult to catch up. You may need to add technology and employees sooner than what you’ve budgeted for.

If your company grows too slowly, you may spend a lot of time on marketing, promotion and trying to find the right consumers for your products. Taking the time to understand the market and your consumers can help you devise business strategies that allow your business to grow at an acceptable pace.

3. Not understanding your market

One of the main reasons why many businesses fail is that they didn’t understand their market. They focused their marketing efforts on the wrong targeted demographic groups of people, or they didn’t market enough for their ideal customers to find them. Understanding your market takes time. Having a good website and utilizing search engine optimization can help you learn what consumers want.

Using this information lets you create keywords and marketing messages that are unique to each demographic segment that you are targeting. You’ll need to create posts and advertising messages that are timely, relevant and eye-catching. Using color, visuals and videos are great ways of retaining people’s interest. Take the time to interact with your customers and followers whenever possible.

This gives your company a more human face. It also generates more interest and awareness of the general public. You should always be marketing your company, products and services. People’s attention spans are very short, so repetition is vital for keeping your company relevant in the minds of your customer base.

4. Making hasty hiring decisions

When you’re starting your own company, it can be very easy to overestimate the amount of help that you’ll need. Sometimes businesses hire several full-time employees to fill different roles when part-time workers or outsourcing can better fulfill their needs. Other times, people rely on friends, family members and colleagues to fill roles that they may be unaccustomed to or lack the proper skills and aptitudes to function properly.

Work from home or temporary employees may be good options for certain business functions. Outsourcing may also be relevant for different aspects of your business. You want your company to succeed, so take all the time you need to make the right hiring decisions. Your business can grow over time, but it takes the right personnel with the right skill sets for any company to make significant progress and increase revenue year after year.

5. Taking on too much responsibility

As a small business owner, you probably feel responsible for every aspect of your organization. It’s your baby, and you want to ensure that everything is running smoothly. It’s okay to be concerned, but don’t spread yourself too thin. Also, don’t bite off more than you can chew. Micromanaging or being a “helicopter boss” to your employees are good ways to build employee dissatisfaction and distrust and can set your company up for failure. People like to know what they do is important.

They usually don’t like being micromanaged or feeling like what they don’t matter. Once you’ve gotten started, part of your organization plan should be to properly delegate tasks and hire appropriate staff and management to oversee different departments. Each role in your organization should be clearly defined before hiring staff.

From there, you can advertise open positions and interview potential candidates based on the requirements for each open position. Allow people to focus on their strengths so that you can spend your time growing your business and adapting to market changes, technology changes and the wants and needs of your client base.

6. Underpricing products and services

Competitive pricingAnother common mistake that many new companies make is undervaluing their products and services. This is often due to a fear of failure or lack of confidence in general. It usually takes a long time to recover from undervaluing your products or services. That’s why it’s important to carefully research similar products and services that are offered by potential competitors before you enter the market. This can give you a better idea of the worth of your offerings and can help you establish better price points when you are ready to start operations.

7. Not adapting to technology

In order to thrive in today’s business world, companies have to embrace and adapt to ever-changing technology. In the digital age, more and more companies and individuals are online every day. You don’t only have to worry about competition across the street or across the state, but also around the globe. Businesses operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Not being prepared can doom most companies.

Another key is having an effective website that’s easy to understand and navigate. People’s attention spans are very short, so you need a site that catches their eye and gives them a reason to learn more about who you are and what you have to offer. If your website is complicated to navigate, has a clunky interface or is outdated, people are more likely to move on to someone else. You can find several examples at and other sites.

Your website can be created in-house or delegated to an outside agency. Technology can be intimidating, but it’s usually not that difficult to learn. You can even dedicate a few employees or key personnel to these tasks. Many companies even offer learning sessions or live tutoring to help companies embrace and adapt to new technology. Learning a little now can help set you up for long-term growth and success.

8. Not budgeting properly

Another downfall of many companies is either overspending or underspending. Some companies think they have to have the latest technology and equipment. They end up spending more than they make in terms of revenue for long periods of time.

This can make it very difficult for them to prosper, because they are unable to spend money on necessities like employees and equipment because they’ve overspent their budget. Investing in property and other resources is expensive and can put companies in debt. Conversely, some companies go under because they failed to spend enough time and resources on finding the right customer base for their products and services.

They refuse to spend much money on anything, thinking that the right customers will find them. The conservative way of thinking can work for some, but it makes it very difficult for people to even know that your company exists. Successful companies take the time and effort to carefully analyze the market and their target markets. They plan their budgets so that they have enough funds for both internal and external expenditures. They also make sure that they’re not going deep into debt or failing to reach new potential customers.

9. Not setting goals or planning

Sometimes, small business owners have a vision of what they want to be. Unfortunately, that’s all that they have. They fail because they didn’t take the time to make plans or set goals. Even though it can be frustrating and you may not achieve the progress that you want to see right away, proper planning can help set your company on the right path.

Every successful company makes business plans on a regular basis. They also set goals and benchmarks that can be evaluated at regular intervals. If a certain goal isn’t realistic, then it’s time to change that goal. If something unexpected happens, companies look at the situation and take action to make things better. In some instances, these incidents can be a blessing in disguise. They can point out areas for improvement or untapped markets that can lead to later success.

10. Being afraid to fail

No company, no matter how big or small they are, are ever perfect. They have successes and failures, just like everyone else does in real life. There are products that never really take off. There are marketing messages that don’t achieve positive results. Sometimes, an employee with great potential fails to live up to expectations. Other times, there are flaws in product packaging or design. Instead of seeing failures as a negative, take them as learning opportunities.

Every failure can lead to later success. Being afraid to fail can prevent you from finding products or situations that could be the best things that ever happened to your company. How you learn from failures or mistakes is important for growth and improvement. Handle each situation as it occurs, and try to put a positive spin on things. If you make a mistake, don’t be afraid to admit it. Issue a press release when necessary in the event of an unfortunate situation.

If a customer doesn’t receive their order or something else goes wrong, take the time to address their concerns and apologize. Make a good faith effort to resolve the issue or offer other compensation. Negative publicity can harm a company’s image and reduce their customer base over time. Taking a few minutes to resolve problems and offer solutions are good ways to keep your customers satisfied and help reduce the impact of mistakes and failures over time.

These are just some of the many things that can harm small businesses. Other areas of concern include raising capital, contract negotiations and improperly analyzing potential threats in the marketplace. Running a business is never easy. You’re going to have good days, and you’re going to have bad days. They key is having more good days than bad. It takes time, effort and the right personnel and technology to keep companies running smoothly.

Proper planning and taking the time to focus your efforts now can yield great results later. Adapting to change and technology can also help your company continue to thrive in our ever-changing economy. It’s all part of keeping your unique vision alive and allowing you, your employees and your business continue to succeed and continue to be profitable for many years to come.

Video – Startups

Why do we class some types of new companies as startups but not others? If you are not 100% sure about the meaning of the term, watch this Market Business News video.