The Do’s and Don’ts of Direct Mailing Lists

Direct mailing lists imageIn the internet age, it’s super easy for companies to blast their email lists with countless advertisements, coupons, and other promotional content. But just because they can, doesn’t mean they should. The same goes for direct mail marketing.

You don’t want to exasperate your audience by mailing them too many physical items, like flyers, brochures, or letters. Try being strategic with how you utilize any form of marketing, but especially do so whenever using tangible items to market. Here are some helpful do’s and don’ts when it comes to direct mail marketing.

Do be strategic in your mailing

First and foremost, be strategic in how you want to tackle direct mail marketing. Approximately 80 to 90 percent of direct mail marketing materials will be opened.

This means that you don’t want to send low-quality marketing to someone on the fringes of your core audience. Also be strategic in how you approach your mailing and formulate a strong campaign. Keep track of what works for future campaigns.

Direct mail marketing is known to work, especially when looked at through a digital marketing lense. Do some research on how you can incorporate direct mail marketing into your overall marketing plan. Integration will ensure a cohesive marketing campaign for your company.

Don’t overwhelm people with mail

Just like you should be strategic with your plans, think carefully about how much mail you want to send to your followers. Though everyone loves to get mail, no one likes being bombarded with too much mail, especially if it’s all from one vendor or company.

Think about what type of mail you want to create and how often you want to send it. A coupon and advertisement being mailed once a month will stress customers out less than a weekly flyer.

Do keep your audience in mind

When creating content for your marketing materials, keep your audience in mind. If you have statistical sales data that shows that your customers come out whenever they receive an email or see a social media post about a sale, use that information to your advantage.

Consider running analytics on your audience prior to coming up with a direct mail marketing campaign. It’ll make you a more informed leader and you can make better decisions around how to approach direct mailing.

Don’t send your marketing to anyone and everyone

Every company has a core audience, but not everyone in that audience is as firm a believer as others. Be strategic in how to send your mail out. If you send mail that details information on your product to hardcore believers, it doesn’t encourage them to go out and buy from you.

Likewise, if you send sale coupons and advertising to lukewarm followers, they may not even know who you are yet. Send targeted mail to the appropriate members of your following.

Do proofread content prior to mailing

If you’re going to send mail that’s rich in content and words, make sure you have someone from your marketing team read it over before printing and mailing it. You can also use websites like The Hemingway Editor and downloadable applications like Grammarly. Having an editor on the team is always a plus, though.

Don’t waste space with useless content

Lastly, be strategic with the space you have for mail. More often than not, companies don’t have the budget to mail out entire booklets each month, and customers surely don’t want to read that much.

Be sure to create content that will speak to your audience and devote the most space to that instead of useless information. If you’re trying to sell Trusted Caskets, don’t create content about other expenses that come with a funeral. Stick to what will benefit your business.