3 Things You Can Do to Earn That Next Promotion

No matter what stage you’re currently at in your career, you should always be looking for ways to earn that next elusive promotion. Looking to the future in this sense is the only way you are going to propel yourself forward and reach your overall career aspirations. Don’t get too comfortable where you are now! Make sure you’re always looking for ways to grow and move forward in your industry.

Promotion, in this context, refers to moving up the corporate ladder, for example, from supervisor to assistant manager or manger.

Next promotion image 939939bbbbbWhen it comes to earning that next promotion, you’re going to want to put the following three pieces of advice into practice. If you do, you’ll find yourself sitting at the top of your career ladder in no time.

Commit yourself to your boss

If you help your employer to succeed, the domino effect will naturally see you succeed as a result. Commit yourself to your boss by doing all you can to help him, or her accomplish their business goals. If you do, they’ll no doubt reward you for your efforts.

Become a workplace leader

If there’s one thing employers like, it’s being able to share the burden of keeping their employees in check. If you are able to fulfil this role for your boss by becoming a leader in your workplace, you will put yourself at the forefront of their thinking whenever they seek to fill certain management roles.

Leader - next promotion image 44444There are many different ways to become a workplace leader. You could, for example, take some time to shadow a current manager to see what they have to do in their day-to-day working life, and how they do it. If you haven’t the time or the patience to follow somebody around all day, however, rest assured there are other avenues you can go down in this instance. Why not, for instance, step back into education and earn a Leadership Master’s degree? On your course, you will:

  • Distinguish your leadership
  • Increase your value
  • Develop connections and confidence
  • Grow personally and professionally

Once you’ve graduated, you will have the stamp of approval on your resume that you need to be able to manage teams and lead operations. The end result? Your boss will hand you more roles, more hours, and more opportunities.

Make your boss aware that you want to progress

No matter how hard you work, sometimes, your boss will just be too busy to notice the fact that you are putting more effort in than ever before. For this reason, especially if your employer is particularly busy, you have to make him or her aware that you are actually after a promotion. If nothing else, this will result in them keeping a closer eye on you and your performance, whether they do so intentionally or not.

There’s no need for you to get stuck in a rut — if you want to progress in your career, there’s always every opportunity for you to do so! To take that next all-important step, you’re going to have to take all of the above advice and do your utmost best to earn that next elusive promotion.