How Do You Calm a Child with Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy can cause many difficulties for children afflicted with it and their parents. The key to managing the condition is to manage the symptoms. Developing a steady routine of physical activity, a good diet, and a regular sleep schedule can help to calm your child. With proper care, cerebral palsy’s debilitating effects can be lessened, and you and your child can enjoy a life closer to one of normalcy.

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Getting Active

Cerebral palsy causes its victims to lack the same motor skill capabilities as those without it, but physical activity can help many to overcome the worst aspects of the disease. Many children who do adopt a physical activity regimen can even improve their condition. Underdeveloped muscles get a chance to develop further, and they also can rectify some of their balance issues.

Children who are kept active can keep their mind off their condition and are able to focus on the task that’s in front of them. The release of endorphins can also improve their overall mood and make them less prone to outbursts.

Regular Sleep

Children need regular sleep in order to maintain their mood and behavior, and those with cerebral palsy are no different. Have your child keep a sleep diary that allows you and them to track their sleeping patterns.

If your child is too young to write, ensure that they follow regular sleeping patterns. Regular sleep can also help them to avoid fatigue and the development of other emotional issues that compound with the symptoms of cerebral palsy.

To ensure your child has a regular sleep schedule, consider doing the following:

  • Restrict or limit your child’s screen time in the hours before their bedtime. This includes limiting their access to the Internet and video games.
  • Watch their diet, and don’t let them eat foods that can keep them awake after a certain time of the day.
  • Set a bedtime for your child and stick with it.
  • Make their bed comfortable, and find out which positions are easiest for them to sleep in.


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Give Them Emotional Support

Showing your child that you care what they are feeling and that to understand what they are going through can help to calm them down if they are old enough to understand. For younger children, carefully rocking them or trying to calm them with your voice can help to relax them during an outburst or prevent them from having one.

While the brain damage associated with cerebral palsy is currently irreversible, there are many things you can help your child do to better manage their condition.

Keep Them Busy

Keeping your child occupied with predictive activities can help to prevent them from having an outburst or can help to calm them if they’ve started one. Cerebral palsy is sometimes accompanied by learning disabilities or conditions like autism. Keeping their minds busy and focused on something outside of themselves can prevent them from having outbursts that are as frequent or as severe as they may otherwise be.

Managing cerebral palsy and keeping your child calm will be an ongoing challenge, but there are many options available for you to do so. If you haven’t already, obtaining legal representation to obtain compensation for your child’s cerebral palsy may offer financial assistance that can improve your child’s quality of life.

Medical malpractice is a common cause of cerebral palsy. You can click here to learn more about the causes of cerebral palsy. If your child was harmed by a medical mistake, getting them help now can set them up for a brighter future.