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19:32 GMT, December 17, 2021When you add a new puppy to your family, one of the first things that most new pet parents aren’t expecting is when the puppy chews everything. The same goes for those who have adopted an adult dog that continuously chews.
When it comes to determining how to prevent a puppy from chewing or how to stop an adult dog from chewing, knowing which methods are most effective may be difficult.
You can assist your dog or puppy by focusing your attention on eliminating undesirable chewing occasions, being consistent, and providing suitable dog toys.
Like all training, you’ll face some challenges when trying to stop your dog from chewing.
Here are some tips for stopping your puppy or adult dog from chewing everything in sight:
Tip 1 – Doorway Dangers
One of the best ways to keep your dog away from something is by placing it out of his reach.
With doorway dangers like shoes, socks, and pant legs, this can be difficult because they’re within easy reach. For those hard-to-reach doorways that allow access into other rooms or the rest of the house, use baby gates to block off these areas until you’re confident that your pet knows what he can chew and what he can’t chew.
This will prevent your dog from having access to dangerous or forbidden items and also keep him out of trouble when you’re not around.
Tip 2 – Understand What Your Dog is Trying To Tell You
Part of training your dog to stop chewing comes from understanding his needs.
Some dogs may chew as a way to relieve boredom, stress, anxiety, or aggression. If your dog is constantly chewing on inappropriate items, it’s important to determine the underlying reason for this behavior and work on addressing that instead of just putting a band-aid on the symptom.
If you’re able to provide appropriate outlets for your dog’s needs such as plenty of exercise, toys, and chews meant specifically for dogs, he’ll be less likely to resort to chewing on inappropriate items.
Tip 3 – Be Consistent With Dog Toys
While it’s impossible for you to be home and watching your dog every second of the day, it’s important that he has appropriate toys designated only for him at all times.
Having a box filled with his favorite chew toys will not only help him express his natural behavior by allowing him to chew but also help redirect his attention when he begins chewing something that is off-limits. You want to reinforce positive behaviors such as playing with the toy instead of chewing on furniture or other household items.
Once you’ve given your puppy enough time to pick out their very own favorite toy, present them with this while saying “chew” in a happy tone. This way, your puppy will learn that “chew” means playtime and not teething or chewing on something he shouldn’t.
Tip 4 – Identify The Source of Chewing Instincts
Whether you’ve adopted a new dog who is already chewing everything in sight or you have an old-timer who has recently turned into a chewer, it’s important to determine what triggers his urge to chew.
Some common causes can be boredom (which may indicate that your pet needs more exercise), anxiety (which may mean that you’re gone for too long and he feels neglected), and teething (which means that he should have plenty of chews and toys available to him).
Once you know what the triggers are, you can work on keeping your dog occupied and happy so he doesn’t resort to chewing other things.
Tip 5 – Create Safe Chewing Environments
When it comes to chewing, the best method is prevention.
By creating a safe environment for your pet where they’re able to chew on appropriate items without destroying something you own or getting into trouble, you’ll also be able to relax knowing that nothing bad can happen as long as those items are left alone.
You don’t want your dog ingesting inappropriate objects because once these items enter their body, there’s no telling what will happen next. That could mean an emergency vet visit or even death if treatment isn’t sought out soon enough.
Tip 6 – Get A Chew Proof Bed
Because most dogs love to chew, getting them a bed they can’t destroy is key if you don’t want your pet using your furniture as his personal bed.
There are several options available when it comes to chew-proof beds.
Chew-proof dog beds are known for their extra durable products that are specifically designed with the ability to stand up against even the toughest chewer. And because they’re made out of eco-friendly materials, you won’t have to worry about your dog ingesting anything harmful or dangerous if he decides that one of these beds looks tasty enough to eat.
Even though many people think it’s impossible to find an indestructible bed, there are plenty of options on the market for owners who don’t want to deal with their dog chewing up his bed.
As with all training methods, each person must identify what their dog requires to improve chewing behaviors. Whether it be more toys or increased exercise, the key is that you find ways to meet your pet’s needs so he doesn’t resort to chewing things that are completely off-limits.
There are many training methods available for chewing issues but only you can determine which method works best for you and your pet. You may have to try out multiple ideas before finding success, but remember not to get discouraged! Any progress is better than none at all.
While there are many training methods, these top five will help eliminate destructive behavior associated with chewing in dogs. Remember, every dog is different which means they’ll each respond differently depending on how they’re handled and trained. For some pets, a simple command such as “no chew” may be all that’s needed, while others may require more extensive training.
It’s important to remain patient and consistent with your dog throughout the entire process to ensure the best possible outcome. Stay positive and remember that you’re doing this for the safety and well-being of your furry friend!
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