How Long Does It Take To Repair Your Own Credit?

Are you looking to fix your poor credit score? Well, there are several factors that could affect how fast you can do this. Credit scores are simply a measure of how credit-worthy individuals are. It usually ranges from 300 to 850 − the higher the value, the better your credit score.

If your credit score falls below 630, then you may need to fix it using some help from the finest credit repair companies of 2022. These firms will check your credit reports and dispute any false additions that affect you negatively. They’ll also offer advisory services to ensure that your credit score doesn’t dwindle again.

What are the steps involved when repairing your credit?

The first process will generally involve downloading copies of your particular credit reports. This step takes the shortest time (one hour max). 

Next, these reports are thoroughly reviewed and errors noted. Based on these erroneous additions, dispute letters are drafted and sent to each major credit bureau. This process could take several days to complete. 

Then finally there’s the response waiting stage that takes the longest time (30 days max for every dispute). On average, it takes 3 – 6 months to repair your credit score depending on the total mistakes that need to be removed from your credit report.

Here are 5 tips to repairing your own credit sooner rather than later:

  • Hire a revered credit repair company

There are hundreds of different credit repair firms in the market. As such, finding the best one for you can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. It’s important to first conduct ample research and to create a list of the best credit repair companies around. Next, check their track record. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • Do they have a good reputation among customers?
  • Do they provide credit consultation?
  • How much do they charge?
  • Do they offer any money-back guarantees?
  • How high do they rank when it comes to challenging damaging items on clients’ credit reports?

Hiring the services of a well-established credit repair firm can help fix your poor credit remarkably fast.

  • Reduce your credit utilization ratio

Do you often max out your credit card? This habit can negatively affect your credit score. If you must utilize a credit card, then ensure that you use less than 30% of your allowed limit. Your credit utilization ratio is basically a measure of your total credit usage vis-à-vis your set limit on that credit card. This ratio is vital because it shows lenders whether you’re able to manage your finances efficiently or not. Ensure you keep your credit utilization ratio between 0% and 30% if you truly desire to boost your credit score.

  • Avoid accruing new debt

Unless it’s an emergency, you’re better off avoiding new debt. Accruing more credit can lower your score by a few points when your lenders invariably conduct a hard credit check on your account. However, don’t be in a rush to pay off your old credit card debt. Simply keep these cards open and create a plan that details how you intend to reduce the debt amount. Becoming more aware of your overwhelming debt and taking active steps towards reducing this debt is the most crucial step towards financial responsibility. Your credit will gradually improve once you start managing your debt wisely.

  • Pay your bills promptly

If you frequently postpone paying essential bills on time, then it’s time you turned over a new leaf. After all, a whopping 35% of consumers’ credit scores comprise their payment history. Some people may struggle to pay off all their bills on time − it’s completely understandable. However, there are several techniques you can utilize to ensure you never forget to pay bills promptly. For instance, you can set reminders, create a separate monthly budget to handle these bills and utilize autopay services.

  • Keep track of your credit

Today, there are numerous tools that you can utilize to monitor and improve your credit score. These software allow you to understand why your credit keeps on plummeting and how you can improve it. However, you’re the one who will ultimately make the decision to boost your credit score or damage it further. Ensure you adopt helpful habits such as paying down your old debts and steering clear of new credit if you wish to progressively improve your credit score.

A stitch in time saves nine. Although repairing your own credit may not happen overnight, implementing the tips discussed above will help you get back on your feet within a few months.

Interesting Related Article: “4 Ways to Get Credit With a Low Credit Score