How Much Does Progressive Web App Development Cost in 2023?


The term “Progressive Web Apps,” or PWAs, has been popular for some time. Google originally made this concept public in 2015 when they thought of a way to bridge the gap between web and native apps. Due to their interoperability with virtually all browsers, they are currently very common in the market and attracting consistent investments from the tech sector.

But why are PWAs a good choice for businesses? They do, however, adopt a well-rounded strategy. For instance, Twitter saw Pages per session on Twitter increase by more than 60%, and Tweets by more than 70% by developing PWA. 

And according to Smashing Ideas, businesses that used PWA saw an increase in customer engagement which resulted in higher sales.

By enhancing the mobile web experience, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) assist organizations in increasing conversions, decreasing bounce rates, and increasing session duration and page views.

Now that you know how PWA benefits businesses, it is time to discuss how much it costs to develop PWA in 2023.

So without any ado, let’s get started:

Progressive Web App Development Cost

The complexity has a major impact on the price of PWA development. In addition, it depends on the technology used and the developer’s location.

The PWA often ranges in price from $15,000 to $1,15,000. Additionally, it varies according to how complicated the PWA is.

Here, we give you an estimate of the price to develop various PWA types, along with a hourly rate: 

Type of PWA Project Hourly Rate
Basic $100 approx. per hour
Medium $500 approx. per hour
Complex $10,000 approx. per hour

Therefore, how do we figure out the PWA budget? Let’s examine a few of the factors that influence how much it costs to develop a PWA.

Factors That Affect a Progressive Web Apps Cost

  1. Project Complexity: The cost of PWA development is largely determined by the type of business and the goals of the store owners. For instance, a PWA for online booking systems and a PWA for retail or food stores won’t use up the same amount of resources. Therefore, the cost of PWA development is determined by the complexity and specification of the projects.
  1. UX/UI of the Project: The UX and UI of PWAs are crucial since they make your brand stand out from the competition. Cost-cutting is therefore practically impossible in this genre. High-quality visuals should be used to impress visitors, especially on the homepage, if you want to attract customers.
  1. Technical Prerequisites: The more technical requirements the more the cost. Some important technical elements that affect the price of PWA development include:
    • Prototype
    • The custom back-end and front-end code
    • Number of pages that need to be cached
    • Elements of each page
    • SEO or other marketing requirements

Essentially, we can say that you will pay more if you require an advanced tech stack.

  1. Ready to Use versus Custom-Built: When compared to custom ones, ready-to-use PWA development solutions are slightly less expensive. Therefore, lower resource use is the primary cause of this. Additionally, the process is fast and the end result we get is quicker in ready-to-use solutions. As a result, the price of development changes.

Although the expense of PWA development is somewhat reduced by ready-made solutions, business owners might not always find the right templates. There are also not many readily available templates. On the other hand, the needs of the business owners can be specifically met by custom solutions. 

So, depending on the requirements business owners can choose the one.

  1. Local and Offshore Outsourcing: The location of the development team might have a big impact on the progressive web app costs. A development team usually consists of the project manager, business analyst, QA engineer, mobile app developer, and UI/UX designer.

Development team experience level and geographical location could have an effect on their pay rates. For instance, senior front-end developers are paid less in Asian countries like Vietnam than they are in North America or Europe.

The range is roughly $70 to $150 in the US and Canada but reduces to $30 to $60 in South America. So, depending on the location the cost changes. Select the location which is best suitable for you in terms of communication and flexibility.

  1. Date of Project Delivery: The project will need extra resources if the deadline is short. As a result, it will quickly increase the cost of PWA development. Giving the project’s developers enough time to finish can, however, cut down on the cost. Additionally, you can get a full PWA solution with better performance and cheaper costs.

A commercial project could take weeks or years to complete. While an enterprise project requires 200 hours, a small project only requires a few hours. A medium-sized one requires eight to ten days. Minor tasks are finished in two to three weeks.

Tips for PWA Development Cost Optimization

Even if some features appear complex, choosing less complex properties will allow you to cut costs. Additionally, if you use third-party APIs to connect to your app, the price of your progressive website will increase. Therefore, keep in mind to consider all the variables that could affect the cost of developing a Progressive Web App before deciding whether your project is viable for your business.

We will provide you with some useful tips for reducing PWA development costs:

  1. Project Clarification: It’s a good idea to make notes and list down the features that are essential to your application. To ensure that you don’t deviate in terms of money or timeline, it is crucial to adhere to these lists throughout the entire development process.
  1. Choose your outsourcing partner carefully: It is highly recommended to conduct a thorough cost comparison between hiring an internal team and an outsourcing team.

Also look at which is more effective: In-House or Outsourcing? 

  1. Avoid Unexpected Costs: The back-end system may need to be modified in order to accommodate the essential functionality, which would incur installation expenses and support costs for administrative services. The cost of such a service shouldn’t come as a surprise in the future.

In order to guarantee complete transparency of deliverables, commitments, and cost structure, it is crucial to clearly define the requirements. 

  1. Choose a Plan that has Additional Services Charge Included: Not every website ends with the release of an MVP or the final product. To ensure the lifespan and stability of your application, regular upgrades and PWA maintenance are equally important. Prior to negotiating the deal with the development business, the financial consequences of such services must be explored.
  1. Consider Contracting Out PWA Development To A Low-Cost Country: Outsourcing is by far the best choice to significantly lower the overall development cost when compared to managing a costly in-house team or engaging an experienced local agency.

You can contact top developers from across the world to have a completely functional, quick, and feature-rich PWA built for you in a lot less time.

  1. Select A Reliable Pre-Made PWA Solution: Business owners should think about pre-built solutions if ready-to-use solutions are best suitable for their business like PWA themes, PWA extensions, and integrations rather than selecting a comprehensive service to develop everything from scratch.

In fact, the vast majority of online SMBs choose this choice because it is dependable, adaptable, and quicker. Every industry has a wide range of providers and solutions, so you only need to determine the quality of the solution by evaluating the providers and the solution’s suitability for your company’s demands.

Are PWAs better suited to all industries?

PWAs are perfect for many business models and sectors, including e-commerce, blockchain, IT, and several others.

Almost every industry’s business can prepare to invest in the development of a PWA as PWA are the future.

How Long Does It Take to Develop a PWA?

Now that we have examined the costs associated with developing PWA. Let’s examine how long it takes to develop a progressive web application.

The most straightforward answer is that it fully relies on the project’s scope, as well as the size and complexity of the app.

We can expect the average PWA development to take between 16 weeks from start to finish.

 Basically, it can take several months to create a progressive web application for your company. The size of the stream and their level of experience will also affect how much time is required.


PWA development doesn’t have a set price. You should give great consideration to the solution set you select for your PWA. Don’t forget to follow our tips for PWA cost optimization.

Also, the greatest method to save money and get better outcomes is to choose the top PWA development company or agency.

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