How Often Should You Clean Your Driveway in St. Louis? A Maintenance Guide

Maintaining a clean and well-maintained driveway in St. Louis is essential for both improving aesthetics and extending the life of the driveway. Indeed, St. Louis’s extreme climate range – from sweltering summers to bitterly cold winters to unexpected bursts of heavy rain and snow – can have a serious impact on your driveway. Therefore, understanding the frequency and importance of driveway cleaning in St. Louis is essential for homeowners. 

This article will cover everything you need to know to keep your St. Louis driveway looking great for years to come. For instance, from the best time of year to clean it to what considerations should be considered when determining how often to clean it. So, let’s continue reading!

Understand St. Louis Climate

Driveway upkeep in St. Louis requires an understanding of the surrounding environment. Hot summers and frigid winters are typical of the city’s hybrid humid continental/subtropical climate. The condition of your driveway can be severely affected by these elements, as well as the occasional heavy rains and snowfall. Thus, cracks, stains and degeneration can occur on unprotected surfaces as a result of freeze-thaw cycles, precipitation and temperature fluctuations.

What Affects Driveway Cleaning Frequency?

Driveways in St. Louis need to be cleaned on a regular basis, but how often depends on a number of factors. When deciding how regularly to clean your driveway, you should think about the following factors:

  • Traffic Volume

More regular cleaning will be necessary for high-traffic areas that have a tendency to collect dust, filth and oil stains.

  • Surrounding Vegetation

Driveways that are in close proximity to trees or plants can collect leaves, pollen, or sap, all of which must be regularly cleaned to avoid discoloration and damage.

  • Climate Conditions

There is a chance that debris and residue will be left on the driveway after extreme weather patterns such as severe rainfall, snow, or ice. Hence, during these times, cleaning might need to be done more often.

  • Surface Material 

The frequency and intensity of cleaning for various driveway materials vary. Driveways made of concrete or pavers need a different maintenance routine than those made of asphalt, which might involve only sealing and the occasional use of a power washer.

Best Driveway Cleaning Schedule

Maintaining a clean driveway is crucial if you want to maintain it in good shape. While the factors mentioned above might certainly affect a person’s unique requirements, the following broad recommendations should be enough for the vast majority of St. Louisans:

  • Weekly Cleaning

Remove any loose material, such as leaves, twigs, and dirt once a week by sweeping the area or making use of a leaf blower. This eliminates the possibility of buildup and stains.

  • Monthly Cleaning

Use a garden hose or pressure washer to do a complete cleaning every month and get rid of the dust and grime that has settled on the surface. If you have any stains or oil patches on your driveway, use a light detergent or driveway cleaner. Use a hard brush to scrub the area and then thoroughly rinse it.

  • Seasonal Cleaning

During this time of year when the seasons are changing, driveway care is especially important. Check for cracks or damage caused by changes in temperature, sweep up any leaves that may have accumulated and remove any debris you find.

  • Annual Maintenance

Once a year, think about hiring a professional driveway cleaning service that will pressure wash and reseal the driveway for you. Ultimately, your driveway’s look will be improved and it will be protected from further harm if you do so.

Additional Driveway Maintenance Tips 

  • Repair Cracks Promptly

Over time, small fractures might widen as a result of moisture seepage and freeze-thaw cycles. To prevent additional damage, seal the cracks with appropriate crack fillers or see an expert.

  • Seal Your Driveway

It is recommended to apply a high-quality sealer every two or three years, depending on the material. Sealing your driveway can help prevent damage from water, ultraviolet light and chemical stains.

  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Don’t use any strong chemicals or cleansers on your driveway, since they might damage the surface or be bad for the environment. Choose gentle detergents made for driveway cleaning, or go for all-natural options like vinegar or baking soda.

  • Remove Stains Promptly

If you have a stain or spill on your driveway, make sure to clean it up right away before it sets and becomes impossible to remove. Specialized stain removers or a paste made of baking soda and water can be used to get rid of oil, grease, rust and other difficult stains. After that, rinse the area well.

  • Maintain Proper Drainage

Make sure there is enough drainage in your driveway to avoid water collecting. Also, clear any debris from drains and gutters on a regular basis to avoid blockages and water backups, which can lead to water damage and driveway degradation.


That’s all! Maintaining your St. Louis driveway on a regular basis can help it last longer and look better. You can keep your driveway clean, safe and undamaged by learning about the weather, thinking about different aspects and according to a prescribed cleaning plan. 

Let’s not forget that a long-lasting and appealing driveway is the result of regular maintenance techniques, including sealing, snow removal and fixing any damage as soon as possible. However, for professional assistance in driveway cleaning and maintenance, you can rely on the expertise and services provided by PrestigeSTL. With their specialized knowledge and attention to detail, PrestigeSTL can help you maintain a beautiful and well-maintained driveway in St. Louis.