How to Choose the Perfect Night Guard for Grinding Your Teeth?

Night guard for grinding are dental appliances worn over the teeth to prevent damage from teeth grinding and clenching during sleep. They act as a barrier between the upper and lower teeth, protecting them from the pressure and friction caused by grinding and clenching. This can help to prevent tooth wear, sensitive teeth, headaches, and jaw pain. Night guards are typically custom-made by a dentist and are worn at night while sleeping.

In this blog post we will cover the problems a patient faces by wearing imperfect night guards and how to select perfect night guards. By the end of the post, I hope  you will get an answer to each of your queries related to this post. 

What are problems people wearing imperfect night guards?

There are several problems a patient may face while wearing an imperfect night guard:

Pain or discomfort:

If the night guard does not fit properly, it can cause discomfort and pain in the mouth.

Ineffective protection:

An ill-fitting night guard may not provide adequate protection for the teeth and jaws, leading to further dental problems.

Difficulty speaking or swallowing:

An imperfect night guard can cause difficulties in speaking or swallowing, leading to discomfort and embarrassment.

Poor hygiene:

If the night guard is not cleaned properly, it can harbor bacteria and other pathogens, leading to oral health issues.

Damage to the teeth:

An ill-fitting night guard can cause damage to the teeth, gums, and other oral structures.

It is important to ensure that a night guard fits properly and is comfortable to wear to avoid these issues.

What are Some Key factors to select Perfect Night Guards?

Choosing the perfect night guard for grinding depends on several factors:

Type of night guard:

There are three types of night guards- boil-and-bite, custom-fit, and pre-formed. Boil-and-bite night guards are the most affordable option and can be molded to fit your mouth at home. Custom-fit night guards are made by dental professionals and provide the best fit and comfort. Pre-formed night guards come in different sizes and offer a good fit for some people.

Dental problem:

The type of night guard you need depends on your specific dental problem. If you grind your teeth, a thicker night guard is better. If you have a tendency to clench your jaw, a thinner night guard is more appropriate.


It’s important to choose a night guard that is comfortable to wear. If a night guard is too thick or too bulky, it can be difficult to wear for an extended period of time.


Look for night guards that are made of durable materials that can withstand regular use.


Night guards can range from affordable to expensive. Consider your budget when choosing a night guard, but also keep in mind that a higher-quality night guard will last longer and provide better protection for your teeth.

It is a very good practice to visit a dentist or professional before selecting the right night guards set for you.

Final Words

As we have earlier discussed there are many difficulties a patient can face, if he does not wear perfect night guards. So, it is important to wear night guards which fit easily and do not cause any problems. 

It is a very good practice to visit a dentist or professional before selecting the right night guards set for you.