How to Potty Train Your Dog in 7 Days or Less

It might seem like an impossible task but this 7-day plan will have your dog using the toilet in no time. Follow these simple steps to potty train your dog in a week. We all know that puppies are cute, cuddly bundles of joy, but they can produce some pretty pungent odors… especially if you’re trying to potty train them! 

This expert guide shows you how to get rid of those unwanted smells and teaches your best friend basic commands for looking after their little business. It’s vital that you follow each step very carefully as otherwise, training will take twice as long or won’t work at all! Go over it once or twice before starting so you’re familiar with the entire process.

First of all, you need to know what motivates your dog (this is why it’s important they are hungry). When they’re super hungry or just feeling a little peckish, this will motivate them to keep doing whatever you are asking them to do – usually within about 20 minutes though so don’t wait too long! Get some yummy treats ready.

Step 1: Show them what you want them to do

To start this seven-day plan, sit your dog down and show them how you want them for toilet use by demonstrating with some yummy treats. Hold two treats close to their nose so they can smell them and move your hand above the ground so they follow your hand up towards your face (if they go away from you then scruff or shake their neck gently). As soon as their feet leave the ground, tell them “Go Potty!”. 

The first few times you do this they will probably need to relieve themselves pretty quickly. After a couple of days though, it should be enough for them to hold on until you get the potty out! Eventually, your dog will start going to their toilet area whenever they feel like they might need to go so you don’t have to build up from scratch every time.

Remember that consistency is key in potty training, so be sure to repeat this process multiple times throughout the day to reinforce the desired behavior. With time and practice, your dog will develop a clear association between the command “Go Potty!” and the act of relieving themselves in the designated area.

Step 2: Praise and treat them as soon as they do what you ask

Don’t wait around for them to finally work it out by themselves – if you want quick results then give them a treat as soon as they do what you’ve trained them to do. If it’s been a while since they last went then you may need to give them several treats in quick succession if they still don’t get it. Don’t make it too easy for them though as they’ll just do it on the days when you’re not expecting and then you’ll end up having to clean after them!

Step 3: Potty time!

Once your dog knows what “Go Potty” means, this is where the fun begins! Make sure you set some time aside each day for this training (we did about 20 minutes) so they don’t forget what’s expected of them. You may need to start with smaller periods of time until they get used to the routine – some dogs will need less than 10 minutes while others can hold out longer if needed.

Now, you should have a pretty good idea yourself of when your dog needs to go toilet. Once in a while, they may surprise you though and you might find them going in the house if they get too excited or nervous about something, but this won’t be frequent! It is even possible to train your pup to use a real toilet, but you will have to search the market for dog-friendly options.

As soon as your dog starts sniffing around or scratching at the ground let them know that it’s time for business by saying “Go Potty!”. You can also use their feeding times as a cue because once your dog gets hungry enough, nothing will stop them from getting food no matter what! They’ll learn very quickly to relieve themselves beforehand so they don’t have an accident.

Step 5: Teach them to ring a bell when they need to go outside

Make sure you teach your dog the “Ring a Bell” command as well as it can be very helpful for keeping them from going in the house altogether. If you make this a fun game where they have to shake their head enough times to make it fall off, then they’ll think doing something well means a treat at the end! You also want them to know that ringing a bell means going outside so put it next to their food bowl and show them how it works by shaking it. Once they’re practicing on their own, give them treats every time they do something good with the bell until they get used to associating that sound with going outside.

Step 6: Don’t give them too much freedom!

Once you’ve got your dog trained to go outside to the toilet and they know their reward for doing it (treats and/or freedom) then you can start giving them more freedom in the house. The first step is making sure they don’t check out everything that’s happening inside by themselves – this means not letting them roam around freely until they’re properly housetrained. 

Step 7: Getting rid of the accidents

Even though you may be having a lot of fun and games teaching your dog not to go anywhere near your house, there will inevitably still be some accidents. Keep an eye out for any signs that they might need to do their business such as sniffing around, scratching at the floor or circling quietly. When this happens, take them outside right away and if they don’t need to go then wait a few minutes before trying again. 

This is especially important at night when you’re sleeping because many dogs will wake up needing to go in the middle of the night. This time of day is the hardest because you’re asleep and they don’t have any idea how to tell you what’s happening so try putting a bell next to their bed or even sleeping in the same room with them so there are no accidents. As soon as they start walking, call your dog excitedly so that they become aware of what’s going on. The last thing you want is for them to go inside again when you’ve worked hard getting rid of the problem!

If all else fails then there are special products that can remove any trace of unpleasant smells from carpets or other surfaces in your home. Take your dog outside until it’s done its business and then clean up thoroughly with bleach water before letting them back in. Just like when you’re training them, make sure to clean up before it happens rather than after so that bacteria doesn’t get the chance to spread.

Step 9: Be patient!

Even though your dog should be fully housetrained within one or two weeks (two months at most) it’s still important to remain patient. If your pup is trying their best but just can’t seem to learn then try leaving them in another area of your house where they can’t reach any trouble until they’re ready. Most dogs will need about 24 hours to learn something new so don’t give up just when there’s light at the end of the tunnel!

When your dog is first learning all of this, you should really take care of their needs before yours because this will make them much more likely to do their business in an acceptable area. Until your pup gets used to going potty in an acceptable area it’s important to do everything in your power to stop them from accidentally peeing in the wrong place.

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