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19:47 BST, May 6, 2021Home Decor Trends You’re About to See Everywhere in 2021
21:28 BST, May 6, 2021Many households suffered financially due to the outbreak of the pandemic. The market is depressed, and lots of people lost their job as a dire consequence. As a matter of compromise and patriotism, many local power corporations allow a delay of payment for consumers. That idea alone is way too helpful, especially to households who were ravaged financially by COVID-19.
But that way of help may backfire to affected households. Why? Because as good as it may sound, there’s this one loophole needed to be considered. A household head can owe lots of money to the power corporation because of the accumulation of monthly electric bills. Worse will really come to worst because from a jobless family head, and he will now be a family head with both no job and bulk electricity bill debt.
It may look dark and dreary, but it is not the end game. In order to minimize the skyrocketing of the monthly bills, altering your laundry ways is a must. This article will unfold the practical methods on how to save utility bills when doing laundry. Here is the list:
1. Maximize your Laundry Batch
Always wash in full loads. Any washing machine will consume the same amount of energy no matter the volume and weight of the load. Also, washing in bulk saves you a lot of water. If it is practiced religiously, then it can lessen your water and electricity bills significantly.
2. Stop Relying Too Much on Drier
This is a no-brainer one! Air dry if you can. Yes, driers are handy and convenient, but relying on them in every laundry chore will consume a lot of energy. There are times, especially if you have a huge backyard or even rooftop space. Given that the weather is perfect for air drying newly laundered clothes, it is suggested to use your drier less frequently.
Additionally, in a newly laundered batch, if a drier is too full, then the duration of the drying process will take longer. When the laundered batch is too small, it can also take longer to dry.
3. Wash Garments with Cold Water
This may sound strange and unorthodox but put your trust because it gets the job done when it comes to reducing utility bills (water and electricity). Cold water cuts the energy consumption by 50% compared to warm water. Also, cold water-based detergents can be really helpful to ensure the dirt removal of the laundered clothes.
Aside from reducing utility bills, washing garments (including your dog’s bed and beddings) with cold water is good for the environment. That is due to its natural capability to prevent carbon pollution— a huge win for the environment. The environment is everything, do not spoil it.
4. Seek Professional Help
Availing of cleaning services such as maid service will conserve a lot of energy, especially if you do not have enough knowledge and experience when it comes to laundry. Laundry experts are trained to know the most efficient way to do your laundry. From the water content to the washing machine settings, they know all of that.
5. Dryer Balls is a Must
During the winter and rainy seasons, air drying is impossible. So you have no other choice but to use your dryer at all times. Using wool or dryer balls will surely help separate your clothes and prevent them from crumpling with each other.
Wool or dryer balls will also absorb a significant amount of moisture resulting in a fast-drying laundered batch. It is proven and tested, so please provide one in your next usage of the dryer.
6. Purchase A Front-load Washing Machine
Conventional washers or top-load washing machines may be cheap, but if you do the math, it is justifiable to purchase a front-load one. A front-load washing machine may be painful in your wallet, but you will save lots of water and electricity due to its efficiency.
As a bonus feat, using front-load washers will give your laundry room some accent due to the nature of its design.
7. Find a Washer and Dryer with Certification from Energy-Star
Energy Star is a government-backed symbol for seemingly energy-efficient appliances. It provides accurate, unbiased, and credible information that being relied on by consumers and entrepreneurs to make a well-informed decision.
Every Star-certified washer uses approximately 25% less energy compared to conventional washing machines. Also, in dryers, it used about 20% less energy.
8. All About Dryers
Dryers can be really tricky. Even though it is commonly used globally, many individuals are not knowledgeable about its basics. These are some lists on how to lessen utility bills by considering buying these new dryer types.
Buying a heat pump dryer – A heat pump dryer is like a front-load washing machine. The initial cost is expensive, but you will save hundreds of dollars in the long run. It can also immediately lower your electricity bill if you often dryer in your household. Heat pump dryers can save up to 60% energy consumption compared to conventional ones. New will always be better!
Buying a gas dryer – Gas dryers are always the better choice. The heating system is much more advanced compared to old models. Yeah, the upfront cost may start at a high price, but it will be worth all the bucks. Compared to electric ones, gas dryers are more efficient, safer in the environment, and cost less in terms of run per load.
9. Classify and Separate Garments According to Weight
Heavy cotton such as towels takes a longer time to dry, and wrinkles will stubbornly set in your clothes if you dry them together in a single batch.
Truly, utility bill reduction is a form of discipline. You must follow all of the mentioned laundry hacks and tips wholeheartedly. You have to practice these habits every single day in your household to help you reduce your utility bills. Now that you know all the essential laundry habits for utility bill reduction, spread the word to your people, and laundry will now be a much more enjoyable chore.
But don’t limit these practices only at home. If you’re backpacking outside the country or bike touring in the nearby state, you can also use these to help save electricity and be environmentally conscious.
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