How To Write a Term Paper Updated Guide

Term papers are assessment methods meant to complete seminars or modules. The teacher provides a list of potential topics- you need to select a topic and answer it based on lectures and seminars. Writing a term paper at times can be frustrating. This article outlines useful tips for writing a term paper.

Parts of a term paper

Cover sheet

The institution provides a certified formula for the term paper. Ensure your cover sheet meets these requirements.

List of contents

The section lists the paper’s contents, which should not be more than three rows. You can use the listing functions on Microsoft Word to get a customized list of contents.


It marks the beginning of your paper. Being a term paper writing service writer, you should describe the term paper’s problem or scope, its academic relevance, the methods and approach, and the final aim of your outcomes. The introduction usually comprises 10% of the term paper. You should also begin page numbering from this paper- previous pages should be in Roman numerals except for the title page.


Here, you need to discuss your topic in a structured and hierarchical manner. You can prepare the discussion in chapters and subchapters to understand it.


Summarize the research’s key points or outcomes while adding personal opinions on them. Only include the most significant facts.


After writing the term paper’s main part, you should list all materials such as transcripts, maps, pictures, tables, and literature. Also, you should include the plagiarism statement in this part.

How To Write a Term Paper

Selecting a topic

Usually, the lecturer provides a list of topics to choose from. If not, students get a list of prescribed themes from the course to guide them in choosing a topic. Reflection can help you find a topic. For instance, you may ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which topic was unclear?
  • What was the most interesting topic or theme?

Once you find a topic, you need to base your paper on a particular problem or question that needs to be addressed. Begin by selecting two questions- talk to your lecturer about the topics’ eligibility and which one suits the paper best. After identifying a topic, you will start preparing a draft outline. Sometimes, you can write a brief description of the key points, theories, and literature you intend to use and ask your lecturer to check them. 


Here, you need to identify the material you will use by visiting the library and searching the Internet. The sources should meet academic standards regarding the author and writing style. After choosing the literature, determine the research goals and methods.


Begin by noting down quotes from the material identified to avoid plagiarism. In natural sciences, term papers also include primary data collection; in this case, you need to select and organize the analyzing material.

Intergrading data and sources

Include all data into the outline using relevant headings. Remember to integrate relevant theory.

Prepare the first draft

Note down the key ideas. Also, ensure you include the theories, quotes, and literature highlighted earlier.

Revise and Proofread

Read through the whole term paper while checking for formal and technical mistakes. After making necessary adjustments, you can share it with one or two people to help you with further proofreading. You can also opt for online professional editing service if need be.

Preparing The Final Draft

Revise your paper one more time. Once everything is checked, your paper is now ready for submission.

Other tips

  • Check plagiarism
  • Ensure academic writing style
  • Ensure the literature or biography is complete

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