Improve The Success Rate of Your Dental Implant by Indulging In Good Oral Practices

Tooth loss is common in the elderly, but can also occur in equal frequency in young adults too. When we ignore regular dental visits, we fail to arrest dental caries at the enamel itself. When caries reaches the inner regions of the tooth, most of the time extraction remains the only way to prevent the bacterial growth from infection other regions of the oral cavity too.

The absence of even a single tooth in the oral cavity can affect the functionality as well as aesthetics. Chewing food can become difficult if posterior teeth are missing while your smile can be affected in case the anterior teeth are missing from the cavity. Missing teeth can also cause shifting of other teeth causing malocclusion.

Dental implants provide a very sturdy solution to replace these missing teeth and are much more functional than removable dentures. New Image Dental Clinic has a top Dentist Los Angeles area to cater to all your dental-related needs. Your beautiful smile is their motivation and they can provide various forms of dental treatments that can improve your smile and with that, your confidence as well.

Recovery from dental implant surgery

Dental implants are integrated into the bony structures and therefore the recovery phase plays a crucial role in the success of dental implant surgery. Osseointegration is the process in which the implant fuses with the surrounding bone to create a tooth that simulates the natural tooth in form and function both.

Osseointegration takes time, approximately 3-6 months. To promote the health of a dental implant during the recovery phase, you must follow these practices for the first couple of weeks:

1. Rest:

Overexertion can delay the healing process especially in the first few days that follow after the surgery.

2. Focus on eating nutritious food:

The first 2 days after the surgery, you must avoid hot and spicy food, swallowing soft food at room temperature or even cold foods are advisable to eat to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Unless the incisions have completely healed, you must only focus on eating soft food that requires minimum chewing. Focus on taking high protein and fiber content in your diet in the form of steamed vegetables, protein shakes, and fruit smoothies.

3. Hydration is important:

Keep sipping water to keep your body hydrated. Hydration promotes healing while dehydration can slow down the recovery process. However, avoid the use of straws and do not drink caffeinated or alcoholic beverages as they both tend to cause dehydration.

4. Saltwater rinse:

Once the initial 48 hours have passed, your dentist will instruct you to do a warm saline rinse after each meal.

5. Apply ice packs:

After the surgery, you can experience swelling at the surgical site. Applying ice packs for at least 20 minutes a day acts as a pain reliever and also helps in reducing the swelling.

6. Avoid smoking:

Smoking increases the chances of implant failure because it interferes with Osseointegration and also decreases oxygen flow which is necessary for healing.

7. Oral hygiene practices must be followed:

Follow the instructions given by your dentist to maintain good oral hygiene at all stages of recovery.

You should also avoid spitting and drinking aerated beverages during the first couple of days to prevent the clot from dislodging which can cause severe pain and infection. Always follow your dentist’s advice and give yourself time to completely heal after the surgery.

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