We have been writing for thousands of years
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16:31 GMT, March 10, 2019How much has the Internet changed how we live? How has it altered our working, playing, studying, and resting choices and behaviors? The answer is ‘dramatically.’ Throughout human history, scientific and technological advances have changed our lifestyles. However, evolution is taking place at a much faster pace now.
The Internet has changed how we study
For hundreds and even thousands of years, studying involved having books, writing utensils, and something to write on.
Thousands of years ago, we wrote on clay tablets and used a reed or bone stylus. Eventually, we progressed to writing on tree bark and then paper.
Today, thanks to the Internet, we don’t need pens, paper, or pencils. We don’t even need books. With a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, we can access all the information we need online. We write using laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
The number of ‘paperless’ schools is growing rapidly across the world. As long as teachers and students have a laptop and online access, they are fully-equipped to teach and study.
The Internet has changed who does business and how
Who could imagine a few decades ago that businesses of any size could operate globally. Thanks to the Internet, it is now possible.
A growing number of individuals and companies are using the Internet as a platform to promote their products and services.
According to kartrocker.com:
“With the advent of information technology, more and more people are using it as a great platform to promote their goods and services. Internet business is very easy and convenient and helps you to earn good money within a short span of time.”
The Internet has changed how we shop
In the past, people would go to their local store to buy their groceries and other weekly supplies. Their local store was also a social hub. That was where we met other locals.
During the second half of the 20th century, large supermarkets and shopping malls rapidly gained market share. Millions of local stores across the world closed down as people’s shopping habits changed.
The greatest change in our shopping behaviors, however, occurred after the advent of the Internet.
Shopping online has grown rapidly since the turn of the century. Today, it is the shopping malls’ turn to go broke and close down. Large supermarket department stores and supermarket chains are also suffering as more consumers shop online.
The Internet has changed how we play
Did you know that teenage alcohol consumption and smoking is lower today than it was forty years ago? Experts say it is mainly because teenagers go out less.
In the 20th century, adolescents would meet up outside their homes, where there were lots of ‘naughty’ things they could do.
Today, teenagers spend most of their free time at home online. They play online games, communicate with each other through online social media websites, or text using their smartphones.
If they are at home during their leisure time, it means that their parents are around. Hence, they smoke and drink less.
Not many years ago, I used to spend hours each day watching television. I hardly watch TV anymore. I do, however, through streaming services such as Netflix, I watch series and movies on my smartphone. Many of us enjoy watching what we like, when we like, without being interrupted by adverts.
The Internet has changed how we work
The greatest difference between a large office today and in the 1950s is the amount of paper and levels of noise. In the 1950s, offices were very loud places with armies of workers bashing away on their typewriters.
There was also a lot of paper then. Everything that had to be archived was done using paper. People wrote letters on paper, put them in envelopes, and either posted them or delivered them to other departments.
Today, offices are very quiet places. There are no typewriters and very little paper. In fact, in some offices, you do not see any paper at all. We call them paperless offices.
People today can also continue working at home if they cannot get to the office. If there is a flood or public transport strike, workers simply go online at home and continue working.
In many businesses today, all their employees work from home. Teleworking is much more common now than in the 1950s. Teleworking means working remotely, such as at home, on a bus or train, or in a designated work center near home.
In the United States, only 9% of employees said they had engaged in teleworking in the 1990s. By 2015, that figure has jumped to 37%.