Is HARO an Effective Marketing Tool?

HARO has been a go-to tool for companies and individuals who are trying to increase their digital publicity. It became an excellent platform for increasing website traffic, PR, and brand awareness. Furthermore, a lot of people and companies are signing up to provide HARO reporters with what they are looking for because they want to earn media coverage. After all, this is something vital for businesses, especially startups.

But the question is, can you use HARO as a tool for marketing? 

How HARO Helps in Marketing

  • HARO helps you get recognized as an Expert or a Thought Leader in your respective industry. You can build your credibility by responding to HARO reporters looking for expert insights and also by using a good HARO outreach provider. The platform is great for brand awareness and PR, especially if you are a small business owner with a unique product or service.
  • It’s an excellent way to build connections. With HARO, you get the chance to connect with reporters, journalists, and bloggers from well-known websites like The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Washington Post, and other big media players worldwide. More importantly, if you often get quoted as a source, then the more they will reach out to you. Plus, you can build relationships or partnerships with reporters and journalists that will allow you to market yourself, your brand, or your company.
  • Gives you quality backlinks for SEO. HARO can help you earn a wide range of backlinks from reputable websites. If you’re featured in an article, especially when it’s aligned with your expertise, then it’s good publicity. And usually, these websites do link back to your website or company website, which is great for your SEO as well.

You are getting passive referral traffic, backlinks, and brand awareness when these reporters use your responses and put them up on their blogs or digital magazines. It’s a very underrated marketing tool with fantastic ways to give you and your business free media coverage. 

Tips To Maximize Your Marketing Efforts With HARO

  • Be quick. These journalists are working on a tight deadline. This means that you have to respond quickly and also because you are competing with thousands of others across the world wide web who also want to earn coverage just like that. The quicker you respond, the better your chances are of getting featured.
  • Use a link-building service. Specific techniques and strategies will let you get the most out of HARO. Of course, there’s a learning curve, and newbies only grasp it with time and practice. However, if you cannot give HARO the attention and effort needed, you can outsource a HARO Link Building Service. This would let you focus on your business instead, and you can simply wait for the results to come in.
  • Give them exactly what they want. This is where most people really mess up. They try to get overly promotional, which journalists don’t really like. Remember, it’s not their job to promote you, your brand, or your business. All they need is an expert quote, your expertise to finish their story. Just give them that.

If you are to take the typical route to try and get into publications and articles online, this is going to be really difficult with your pitches or story submissions ending up sitting in a pile. However, with HARO, this whole process is reversed. It’s like the reporters and the journalists are the ones going to you, which is a great advantage. You don’t need to look and search your prospective websites on which you want to be featured because HARO provides them already. It is so much more valuable than advertising.

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