How to Be a Lead Generation Marketing Specialist in 5 Steps

Businessmen from around the world are relying on B2B marketers to drive leads to their online and offline businesses. Lead generation marketing specialists drive the right leads to websites, including highly targeted leads that are deep into the buying cycle and more inclined to make a purchase.

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Image created by Market Business News.

If you’re looking for a career change, one of the most secure options is a lead generation marketing specialist – you’ll always be in high demand.

These specialists know how to generate interest in a product or service, drive leads to a business and generate revenue. With 53% of B2B marketers stating that more than half of their marketing budgets go to generating leads, it’s a career choice that a lot of marketers want to enter but don’t know how.

These five steps can help

1. Learn the Fundamentals

Marketing isn’t new, but it is a field that is always evolving. You’ll want to learn the basics of marketing and lead generation. You’ll find a lot of books that can help along with online resources.

Blogs in the marketing space can help with lead generation, or seek out courses on:

Everyone needs to learn the basics before they can even think about becoming a specialist. Once you learn the basics, it’s time to put what you’ve learned into practice.

2. Gain Experience in Marketing – In Any Way Possible

Experience is the name of the game. If you can prove that you can generate leads for clients, you can seek out job positions or even work for yourself. If you have the drive to become a marketer, you’ll want to use the fundamentals that you learned to gain real world experience.

You can gain experience by:

  • Freelancing
  • Offering your own services
  • Applying for low level marketing jobs
  • Creating your own websites and learning how to generate leads

You’ll need some experience to land a job in the field and be able to generate leads for an employer if you go the traditional route.

3. Experiment With Multiple Forms of Lead Generation

You’re a specialist, but there are also a lot of subspecialties that you’ll need to know. Experimentation will help you better understand where your strengths and weaknesses exist. Perhaps you have a knack for driving traffic from Facebook Ads, or maybe you’re great at generating leads via email.

Experiment with multiple forms of generating leads to find what you’re truly good at, including:

  • Direct mail
  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Inbound marketing
  • Video marketing
  • Email marketing
  • More

Experimentation is part of the job and allows you to hone your skills to generate more leads.

4. Learn the Industry’s Leading Tools

One of the differences between a specialist and non-specialist is that the person specializing in lead generation knows that automation is the key to rapidly generating leads. If you’re not familiar with the leading tools, you need to start learning them.

For example, you can use software WatcherMe to:

  • Learn which leads are visiting your site
  • View visitor browsing history
  • Gain insightful company data
  • Generate reports and send email alerts

You’ll find a long list of lead generation tools that you’ll want to at least become familiar with to enhance your career and offer more complete services to your clients or employer.

5. Start Applying for Jobs or Offer Your Own Services

Once you have experience and the skills needed to be a lead generation specialist, it’s time to finally enter your desired role. You’ll want to either use your marketing experience to land a job or start selling your own services.

A lot of lead generation specialists will sell their services to businesspeople.

You can work on retainer, or if you’re really good, you may be able to negotiate a commission for every lead that converts into a sale.

B2B marketers that want to move into a position as a lead generation marketing specialist can use the key five steps above to reach their goal. What steps did you take to land a lead generation marketing specialist position? Let us know in the comments below.

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