7 Truths About Leveraging Instagram For Business

Leveraging Instagram for business image 44444For businesses that are keen on leveraging Instagram in their online marketing campaign, below is what they need to know:

  1. More People Are Using Instagram

With social media being a global phenomenon that brings in over 800 million active users daily, the scope of what it has to offer for marketers cannot be overstated. Over the mentioned millions of people, more than 500 million of them are on Instagram, and 80% of that number is outside of the United States of America. Furthermore, millennials are 34% of the active 80%, and 34% of them will log into Instagram regularly throughout the day or night.

That then translates to a vast number of potential followers and clients. It all points to one thing, the immeasurable potential of success for any business that adopts Instagram marketing. If you want to know more about using Instagram, you can read more here.

  1. Any Size Of Business Can Thrive When Leveraging Instagram

Any company, big or small, can use Instagram and register significant gains and growth in sales. But marketers need to know where to look when searching for the numbers they need to grow their business.

However, success will not be an overnight thing, not even for the most seasoned and popular companies. To be on the map, it means having and maintaining an active presence. That then demands that you post something and be present on Instagram at least once a day. Do not think very little of this; if big brands such as Adidas and Coca-Cola use Instagram, then there has to be something they know.

  1. Companies Can Make Money Directly From Instagram

Instagram has grown in leaps and bounds over the years, transforming into an entity that emphasizes money-making via product placement. Shoppable posts, this is one of the latest programs that marketers can use. It is a program that allows companies and brands to add tags to their products or services with links that include a description and price of the product. It can also include a ‘shop now’ option that redirects the user to your online store.

Businesses can use this service to attract potential buyers and grow their sales. The success of the Shoppable posts is evidenced by the 72% of Instagram users that admit to buying products via the platform.

  1. Stories Make Your Brand Relatable

With Instagram, it is possible for a brand to add a face to its name. The social media platform has an app with an array of features that can be used to spice up this. However, the stories and live posts have proven to be effective, just as much.

With the live stories, the idea is to showcase behind-the-scenes entries which can be insights into the business and its employees. For instance, it can be a live stream showing how some products are made, how the staff interacts, or a Q&A session where you answer any questions your audience may have.

On the other hand, live posts can also serve the same purpose. They can show the human side of your company, thus helping build trust, credibility, and establish a good rapport with followers. If your consumers see a humane side and not only a brand that is out to make money, then they not only will relate to who you are as a business but also what you have to offer.

  1. Make Significant Strides By Partnering With Influencers

On social media, you will find to active users: the ardent viewers and the influencers. The latter is the lot that regarded to as the “online celebs.” They have the nark of promoting a product, service, or brand. That means they can help take what you have to offer into the mainstream.

Know how to work with a dependable influencer, and you will have a specialist that can help grow the sales by aiding your company access vast demographics. Such an influencer can spread the word to millions of Instagram users and improve your brand’s rank in a significant following with a few posts.

  1. Hashtags Can Increase Your Instagram Visibility

If your company is the new kid on the block, it is easy to feel intimidated by the already established competition. However, the use of hashtags can help even the playing field and set your business aside from the herd. The hashtags serve as keywords that summarize what a post has to say. For instance, Calvin Klein has #MyCalvins, Coca-Cola has #ShareaCoke, and many other big brands have unique hashtags that have helped them trend on Instagram and across the social media platform.

  1. You Can Use Instagram To Engage With Customers Effectively

Make your customers or the market aware of your company’s existence, and you will have made the first step towards growing your customer base. The next step is to engage with the market daily. You may have people know you and will always want to have their opinions known. Then use Instagram as the platform for such people to have their voices heard.

To make things work better in your favor, consider liking, commenting, and sharing their favorite posts. They are bound to respond in kind, and the more comments, shares, and likes you get, the more visible you become. Throw in quality photos, use local hashtags, and do live posts, and you will be headed in the right direction.