Low vision clinic: helping people with sight loss become more independent

Low vision clinic helps patients with low vision due to conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetes, or a stroke. They offer one of the most encompassing visual rehabilitation programs in the country with staff and technology that are leading-edge. People with low vision can get a glimpse of the world around them by using adaptive computer technology at this clinic.

Helping those with sight loss become more independent - low vision clinic
Image created by Market Business News.

Low Vision Conditions

 Many conditions can lead to a person losing some of their vision, but no matter the condition, Low vision clinic is here to help. Low vision doctors offer treatment that can enhance a patient’s visual function and lead to a better quality of life. Some of the more common low-vision conditions treated by doctors include:

  • Cataracts

Cataracts are a clouding of the lens to the retina. This can make vision blurry and make driving unsafe for older people. They are very common among older Americans and in some cases, children may develop them too. Diabetics might develop them earlier, and in rare cases, they can happen to younger people too.

  • Glaucoma

The leading cause of blindness in adults is high eye pressure. Your doctor might not even catch the condition until it’s advanced, which is why it’s important to have regular eye exams and to measure your eye pressure. If this is detected early enough, vision loss can be slowed or avoided.

Individuals with glaucoma experience a number of symptoms, including their peripheral vision diminishing, a decreased ability to drive at night or in the day, increased glare, and a sense that they are in a fog. To help overcome some of these challenges, your low vision specialist may recommend magnification, increased lighting and contrast, and glare control or filters.

  • Diplopia

Diplopia is a condition in which the eyes don’t correctly align. It can be caused by many problems with the cornea, lens, or brain. Injuries, aneurysms, tumors, migraines, and strokes are all possible causes of this vision disorder.

If the problem isn’t surgery-based, prisms or partial patching can usually treat the distressingly blurry problem with the double vision. Double vision that does not require surgery to resolve is usually treated with prisms or patches and muscle retraining.

  • Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of vision loss in the United States. This condition can be caused by aging, but it may also be brought on by smoking, diabetes, and too much sun exposure. It typically starts with difficulty reading and seeing distortions like straight lines that appear to curve.

Stroke and Vision Loss

Strokes can affect the blood supply to the brain, which leads to a visual impairment. Patients may have trouble with everyday tasks such as reading and driving. Those who have experienced a stroke may often have hemianopia, which means loss of half their vision in both eyes, depending on which area of the brain has been affected by the stroke.

  • Diabetic Eye Issues

As a diabetic, your specific eye needs need to be addressed in your low vision exam. Diabetics need to be able to take their medication, monitor their blood sugar, and read food labels. Because diabetics often have foot problems, they may need to see a podiatrist for regular checkups.

Diabetic people can experience changes in their vision, depending on their blood sugar levels. If the patient’s blood sugar fluctuates, so does their lens. Before prescribing eyeglasses for a diabetic, doctors always retest the patient on another day to see if their vision has changed accordingly.

What you can expect at the Low Vision Clinic

Low Vision Clinic encourages all patients to come in for a comprehensive exam that includes the newest technology for low vision rehabilitation. This will take two to three hours, which is much more extensive than a typical eye exam and may include:

  • Medical History

You entrust your family’s and your own health to us. We collect your health information, including medications, smoking, and sun exposure.

  • Ocular History

A history is taken of your vision, past eye treatments, and eye diseases. This includes a discussion about the date of your last eye exam.

  • Low Vision History

Information is collected about your personal vision problems, such as when they started and how they affect you. It also asks about any prior vision rehabilitation services you’ve had. For example, the questionnaire asks if you are able to watch TV, read, or recognize faces. You will also be asked about your daily life activities that may be difficult, such as driving or cooking.

  • Low Vision Refractive Assessment

Low Vision Refraction is a more complex eye exam than a traditional one. Doctors use this to measure your prescription and figure out the best correction for you. It’s also important for assessing whether you need high-powered bifocals or computer glasses.

  • Low Vision Adaptive Assessment

Your doctor will help you decide what low vision devices to use depending on your various functional difficulties. They’ll take into account reading, watching TV, driving, using computers, and more. They’ll also assess problems such as glare and light sensitivity. Microscopes, telescopes, magnifiers, bioptic systems, and sun wear may be recommended for a variety of needs.

  • Ocular Health Assessment

Low vision patients should get a comprehensive eye exam from your eye doctor. If you haven’t seen an eye doctor in the past six months, or you’re currently undergoing active treatment, you’ll be asked to get a comprehensive eye exam before seeing the low vision doctor. The low vision specialist will offer loaner devices while you’re undergoing treatment.

  • Supplemental Testing

Depending on a patient’s condition, they may need additional tests to figure out how their vision is doing. These tests can include: a glaucoma test, visual field test, and microperimetry test. This last one tests the usable area of your central vision.

  • Patient Plan and Education

Low vision doctors work with patients to help them live more productive and independent lives. They educate the patient on their condition and the different treatments available. They also keep up-to-date with new scientific research and treatment options for low vision.


Low Vision Clinic provides eye care for people with limited sight. A low vision examination will be conducted, in which your functional sight and ability to complete tasks will be assessed. We’ll set realistic goals for your performance so you can maintain as much independence as possible.