On-Brand Copy- The Key to Driving Conversions with SEO

Many businesses are puzzled to find that the rate of conversions remains low despite having upped the ante on numerous SEO activities, including content management. However, it could very well be that the content lacks strong brand messages that are both appealing to your target audience as well as SEO-focused.

As more and more people look to put a face to the business they want to transact with, it is often simply not enough to generate traffic to the website or create a buzz on social media. The letters SEO stand for Search Enging Optimization.

The need of the hour is to build enduring connections with the target audience so that you are viewed as a trusted source and an authority in the domain. SEO copywriting ensures that not only are you speaking to your target audience in a way they will find engaging but also your content is SEO-friendly and gives you the page ranks that you want.

Finding the Brand Message

Even though establishing the brand message is one of the most important steps, most business owners tend to overlook it despite having taken the trouble to investigate market potential, analyze the competition, identify the target audience, and frame their product offer.

The brand message is actually the culmination of all these activities and represents the fundamental reason why potential customers should transact with you.

In the absence of a coherent brand message, marketing and website copy tends to read flat with a lot of generic jargon that neither appeals to customers nor captures well the essence of the business. As a result, customers can’t connect with the business and conversions simply do not take place.

Important Aspects to Be Considered for Evolving the Brand Message

In the typical competition with similar products, the unique selling proposition, as it were, defines what it is that sets your offer apart that can then be highlighted to attract customers. It is, therefore, vital to discover some aspect of your offer that not only differentiates it from the rest in the market but has significant value perception in the target audience.

This means that the offer has to be designed in such a way that the value it offers to customers is not superficial or gimmicky but instead, offers something that is really tangible and appreciable. You can only design the product offer by knowing intimately how your ideal customers look like, what their interests and preferences are, and what problems they are looking to solve.

When developing the brand message, you also need to define your prime objective. While it is obvious that you want to drive conversions, you really need to be specific about the route. You may want them to visit your blog and update their knowledge base, you may want them to fill up a form and schedule a free consultation or you may want them to buy your product from your online catalog.

Even though the actions are quite different from each other, many people are not able to appreciate the need for different kinds of brand messaging. In the development of brand content, it is very important that you adopt a style and tone that your potential customers find appealing. You may consider working with a branding agency to finalize on a brand identity that will resonate with customers.

Test Your SEO Content until You Are Sure

Even though you may have taken great pains to write SEO copy that you think is compelling and will drive conversions, it is imperative that you test out whether the communication is likely to have the desired outcome. This is necessary because the same brand message can be couched in different styles that have different impacts. While there are many different ways of testing out brand messages, perhaps the simplest is to develop two different versions and test out which one is more effective.

Variations that you can play around with can include the page title and the length, design, and structure of the content. Since the number of parameters is many, you need to keep on testing the variations until you are able to evolve the message that seems to resonate best with your target audience.

If you are pressed for time, you can keep on making the changes and see which communication achieves the best conversions. Asking for customer feedback so that you can assess the effectiveness of your content can be helpful.

A cohesive and impactful brand message does not happen by accident; it is rather a result of a series of adjustments and restructuring of the core message that enables you to arrive at a message that is focused on the core requirements of your customers that enables them to clearly perceive why they should engage with you over the competition.

Leverage the Power of Blog Posts

Even though it has been amply proven that blog posts are extremely effective in helping to provide value to customers, build your domain authority and generate organic traffic to your website, many business owners do not give blog posts the importance they deserve. Even when blog posts are created to deliver informative content, it is necessary that they contain the same type of brand messaging as present on the web or social media.

Adopting a different tone will end up confusing the user and makes it more difficult for the user to accept and trust your domain knowledge. When you include strong brand messages in your blog posts, it makes for more compelling reading by users, especially when the content is geared to solving their problems and addressing their concerns.

A powerful blog post can be very helpful in boosting conversions because it represents a very good opportunity of providing value and earning the trust of the customer with brand messaging. According to https://www.impactbnd.com, even using new content and images to update your old blog posts can help to increase organic traffic by as much as 111%.


When the objective is to drive conversions, brand messaging is perhaps one of the most important aspects of content management for SEO. If you find that despite generating traffic to your website, you are simply not being able to achieve the sort of conversions you want, the problem could very well be in the brand message.

You need to find out what the problem is and adjust your content suitably at the earliest to prevent further wastage of time and opportunity.