Post cycle therapy (PCT) – what is it for and what drugs to use in Canada?

Post-cycle therapy drugs are a group of medications that are taken to normalize the functioning of the body, and mainly the endocrine system, after a course of androgenic-anabolic steroids. They are very important, since large doses and constant use of anabolic steroids can cause side effects that are highly undesirable for an athlete. You need to find PCT steroids for sale in advance in order to be able to start taking them from the last days of the AAS course.

Tasks of post-cycle therapy

You can often hear the opinion that if the course of steroids was the first, and the drugs are not heavy, then PCT can be abandoned. However, this opinion is erroneous. Post-cycle therapy is necessary in any case, because it allows not only to prevent the negative effects of anabolic steroids on the body, but also to minimize the rollback phenomenon.

Rollback is a problem for all athletes, because after the end of the course, there is often a loss of muscle mass gained during it. Properly selected PCT steroids for sale minimizes this phenomenon, fixing the action of steroids.

But still, its main task is to restore hormonal balance. All anabolic steroids are an artificial analogue of testosterone. But in nature, it is produced in the body of a man in the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles arc. When taking steroids, its production is suppressed, which leads to testicular atrophy. The effect of post-cycle therapy drugs is to normalize the secretion of natural testosterone.

PCT steroids for sale avoids side effects, one of which is the development of secondary sexual characteristics (gynecomastia in men, virilization in women). These medicines also prevent disorders in the reproductive system and consolidate the result that was achieved on the course.

The most popular means of post-cycle therapy

Depending on their properties and effectiveness, drugs used for PCT are divided into several groups:

  • estrogen receptor blockers – prevent the effect of estrogens on the athlete’s body, blocking receptors sensitive to them (tamoxifen, toremifene, clomid);
  • aromatase inhibitors – also aimed at preventing the negative effects of estrogens, but they act in a completely different way. Unlike the first group, they affect enzymes, thus slowing down the synthesis of estrogens (anavir, letrozole, anastrozole);
  • antiprogestogens – reduce the concentration of progestogens that suppress libido (bromocriptine – now practically not used, cabergoline). Required only after a cycle that includes nandrolone, trenbolone or oxametalone;
  • gonadotropin – avoids testicular atrophy, normalizes the natural production of testosterone. It is used exclusively during the course.

In addition to the main ones, additional drugs for PCT steroids for sale are also used. These include:

  • cortisol blockers (suppression of catabolic processes),
  • testosterone boosters are based on natural ingredients (restoration of hormonal balance),
  • Omega-3 complexes (optimization of cholesterol levels),
  • growth hormones and peptides (preservation of gained muscle mass),
  • hepatoprotectors (protection of the liver).

Professional athletes, taking care of their health and continuing their sports career, do not neglect post-cycle therapy.

PCT after a testosterone cycle is necessary. Receiving artificial testosterone from the outside in large doses, the body stops producing its own. After the end of the course, he needs some time to rebuild and start working in the previous mode. In this case, therapy after the course will reduce the risk of infertility due to testicular atrophy. It will also protect against possible sexual dysfunction.

Too high a level of testosterone leads to the fact that, striving for balance, the body converts part of it into the opposite estrogen. Aromatase enzymes, due to which this transformation occurs, are suppressed by antiestrogens. They are included in therapy in order to avoid gynecomastia.

The liver, which passes through itself all the drugs used during the course. Therefore, during therapy, it is necessary to pay attention to its purification and restoration with the help of hepatic protectors.

Also, testosterone boosters and growth hormone can be used for recovery after taking steroids.

The price of post-cycle therapy drugs may vary depending on the manufacturer and belonging to a particular group.

Positive effect of PCT

Summing up, we can say that PCT medicines allow:

  • restore hormonal balance – affect the secretion of natural hormones;
  • avoid testicular atrophy – support the production of testosterone (gonadotropin);
  • avoid the manifestation of gynecomastia – for this, drugs from the first two groups are used;
  • restore libido is the main task of antiprogestogens.

In our online store you can buy high quality post-cycle therapy drugs, steroids and hormones at an affordable price. Our consultants will be happy to help you choose the right medication, calculate its dosage and dosage regimen.

Types of PCT

After the course, two types of therapy are usually used – classical and “bridge” style.

The classical one is applicable in the case of planning large intervals between courses. It includes such basic supplements as test boosters, hepatic protectors and antiestrogen.

After course therapy with a “bridge” is used in the case when the courses go almost without interruption. This type of therapy is often used by professional athletes during long courses. It makes sense to use it when the length of the course is longer than the rest period.

When deciding on the use of a course of drugs that stimulate the growth of muscle mass, do not forget about the after-course therapy. Grandiose successes in sports and an attractive appearance will not replace health. Before starting the course, a specialist consultation is required based on the blood test for hormone levels. Also, before taking muscle growth stimulants, natural progress is desirable for three years. An athlete who decides to take the course must be at least 21 years old. A high-quality and relatively safe course necessarily includes post-course therapy. Support in the form of taking hepatic protectors, antiestrogen and chorionic gonadotropin is also important. Do not forget about the recovery and training base.

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