Reaching Your Target Audience: Understanding Why People Use The Internet

Over the years, the invention of the internet has tremendously changed our lives. Actually, users spend more and more hours on their phones, laptops, and smart gadgets longer than a couple of years ago. It is suggested that by 2025, more than 72% of the users will access the internet solely via their smartphones. This indicates that users are becoming more attached to their phones than ever, particularly to use the internet. But what do we all use the internet for? And, how can businesses reach out to their desired targeted audiences online? If your target audience will be smartphone users, what will you need to do to identify your ideal client?

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Image created by Market Business News.

What do people tend to use the internet for?

1. To get Information

The internet is perhaps one of the most essential inventions that is heavily used in modern day society. With Google, users have access to a lot of information with just a quick search and a click of a button. Users are able to use the internet to gain information for their jobs, their education, and for leisure. Whether they’re looking for articles on sustainable fashion, looking for the opening hours of a store, or looking for university courses to study in the future, the internet has all the information available for them.

2. Communicating with others

In the age of social media and mobile apps, users utilise the internet to easily get in touch with one another. Apps such as Skype, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Zoom, can allow users to utilise the internet for sharing information, sending instant messages, and having video calls. As one of the fastest ways to get in touch with friends, family, colleagues, and to contact businesses, a lot of people rely on internet communication instead of phone calls.

3. To do their online shopping
Online shopping - woman buyijng stuff on the Internet
Image created by Market Business News.

Whether it’s buying groceries from the local supermarket or purchasing the latest clothes from a clothing line, the internet is also heavily used to do online shopping. Websites such as Asos, Amazon, Ebay, and Etsy, provide a range of products for users all over the world, and users can easily browse their online stores with just a good internet connection and a few clicks of a button. As online shopping is fast, easy, and convenient for many, it’s no wonder that millions of purchases are made every week online.

How can businesses use the internet to reach their target audience?

From small businesses to large corporations, nearly all businesses benefit from the invention of the internet. Businesses use the internet on a daily basis to run their eCommerce websites, reply to emails, send invoices, respond to customer enquiries, send out job adverts, and much more. Whether users are searching for information, communicating with others, or online shopping, there are many ways that businesses can meet these needs.

To improve their global reach

The dream of all businesses, either small or big, is to reach a broad market and if probable, reach consumers across all corners of the world. With the internet, it’s now simpler than ever to market products and services worldwide. Business could improve their global reach by:

  • Utilising paid social ads

From Instagram and Facebook, to Twitter and LinkedIn, using paid adverts on social media can help businesses to target their desired audience in a more detailed way. If customers are using the internet to shop online, then it’s good if their ads are available for them to see.

  • Starting their own podcast

If customers are using the internet to gain more information about the company and its employees, then creating their own podcast could help. Over the past few years, podcasts have become more popular and many professionals have their own show, or star in others, to offer their advice, personal  experiences, and business expertise. Acast, Castbox, and Apple Podcasts are just some popular places to find a range of business-related podcast episodes. You can also visit sites such as that provide tips on what equipment to buy and effective marketing strategies as well.

Have you identified your target audience - image for article image adapted by Market Business News.
To offer quick and efficient customer service

When a business has a lot of customer enquiries about orders, products, and everything else, it can be difficult to keep up with them all. However, live chats on company websites and social media instant messages can help make things smoother.

According to Gaming Club’s article on how people use the internet, data shows that around 87% of people in the UK use the internet daily. It also highlights that a growing number of people are spending more than two hours a day on social media. Therefore, it would be useful for business owners to reach out to their audience online, as so many users are active daily. To help provide good customer service online, brands could start:

  • Responding to customer enquiries in a timely manner

If customers are using the internet to shop online, and to communicate with a company, then it’s best to not leave them waiting when they reach out. Responding quickly to customers online will help businesses provide an efficient service and will also help build their brand loyalty.

  • Being active regularly on social media

When customers are browsing the internet for information on the company, social media profiles is one place that they will go to. However, if the feeds haven’t been updated in a while, and there’s no evidence that staff responds to customer questions, then users might lose faith in their customer service. It’s therefore important to be active on social media so they can reach out and have their questions answered.

To build trust and loyalty with their customers

The internet can make customers very critical about brands. Customers are able to create opinions and make assumptions about specific brands depending on how brands present themselves online. Sharing useful information and posting engaging Tweets, but also sharing an ill-timed meme or being rude to a customer comment, can have a big impact on brand trust and loyalty. To help build trust with customers businesses could:

  • Populate the company blog page

How-to guides, infographics, and videos, are just some popular forms of online content that can provide customers with more business information about a brand and its industry. Populating the company blog page regularly can show that a brand is consistent and active, and can be useful when customers are online shopping.

  • Share inspiring videos on YouTube

Creating short video content on Instagram or TikTok, or perhaps longer videos on a own company YouTube channel, can help brands to reach customers on a more personal level. If their customers are using the internet to gain more information on their products, then useful product videos can inspire them. If users are also looking to communicate with other customers in the community, then they can also join in with the conversation in the comments section of YouTube videos too.

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