The Rise of AI Powered Avatars: What You Need to Know

AI powered avatars image 44444
Image source: Zoe Dvir

For years there’s been talk about how AI is going to be so smart that it is going to steal a lot of jobs and how people should be worried. We aren’t there yet and it is probably going to be a while before we get there. But there has definitely been some positive progression in the development of AI. One of them is in the form of AI powered avatars that entertain and educate us.

They range from simple chat bots to social media influencers to even officers at airports. So, if you are curious about these developments you should read this article. As I am going to show the different AI powered avatars that have arisen. And how they are benefiting businesses…


Chatbots are probably the most common form of AI as there is a need for them and a lot of startups are jumping in to offer the best solution and earn a piece of the $1.25 billion dollar pie. At the moment chatbots are at their very basic stage and cannot beat a human at customer service. But they are still work quite effective.

Most businesses get the best out of them when they combine them with humans. The chatbots take care of basic queries, but when the conversation progress to more sophisticated topics they hand over the conversation to a trained person.

Many businesses are making the chatbots into avatars with personalities that their customers can relate to and will enjoy engaging with.

Over time chatbots are expected to get better as it predicted that they will help businesses save $8 billion by 2022.

Social media influencer marketing:

News about social media influencers is ubiquitous. Everybody knows about this industry and how it works. But what many people don’t know these days is that not all of these influencers are real live people. Some of them are avatars that have been invented by people. An example is Zoe Dvir. She looks like a real influencer, but she is actually the creation of Tal Melenboim, a marketer. He is the one that runs the account.

This way there are so many more social media influencers who aren’t exactly real. A real person creates the avatar for the influencer and then handles it as them. They take photos that bring out the personality of the influencer and they write in the way the influencer talks (the way they picture it). But the avatar of the influencer doesn’t take full control of the account as many of the top social networks are against people using bots and automation tools to control their accounts.

If social networks lift these rules you shouldn’t be surprised with bots taking over the accounts because there are a lot of fake accounts online that function this way already.

Better technology avatars:

A lot of tech items these days come with built in avatars. These include Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. People have gotten accustomed to them, but an avatar you probably haven’t heard of that offers both video and voice interactions is Magic Leap One’s Mica. She looks very human and even acts like one. When communicating with you she looks directly into your eyes, smiles and behaves just like a human.

And she can do a number of tasks like turn off devices (like TVs, stereos, lights, etc.) and she can understand you and your preferences a lot better.

People find her so realistic that when she smiles at them, they smile back and when she yawns they yawn back.

Again, this is only the beginning for Mica. It is only expected that she will get better from here onwards.

And this applies to all the technologies that have been discussed above. AI will continue to grow and get better. It might not be as quickly as everyone predicted in the past, but it is slowly getting there in leaps and bounds. And soon AI will be able to do a lot of advanced tasks and take things off our hands. This can save businesses both time and money.  But it might also have a negative effect as people will probably lose jobs.

Video – What is AI?

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. If you want to learn more about it, watch this Market Business News video, which is aimed at lay people.