Great Tips for Safe Driving For Business

Driving safely is important for any business and its employees. Here are some tips to ensure it occurs.

Perform A Written Risk Assessment

According to the 1999 Management Of Health And Safety at Work Regulations, companies requiring employees to drive are required by the law to prepare a written risk assessment. In essence, they must properly determine and assess the potential risks to both company drivers, road users, and the general public.

Write A Driver Policy

Stringent and robust driver policies are important for the running of day to day operations. It ensures that everyone on site knows that there is a strict behavioral policy that is expected of drivers. It even dictates their responsibilities for company property such as vehicular maintenance and even following the traffic laws. All of these serve to protect the employer from facing charges.

Communicate The Policy

When policies are established, it’s a great idea to get everyone on staff acquainted with it. Simply put, if no one knows about these policies then they’re not going to be effective on-site. As such, handbooks, make a great first start and they ensure that everyone including your trusted drivers has them on hand whenever they should need it. These handbooks should be designed to guide your drivers in the case of an accident or if they run into vehicular problems.

Check Your Drivers’ Licenses

Statistics indicate that over 25000 plus business drives are not properly licensed. This means that they’re not insured and their employer is liable if they should meet with an unfortunate accident. Hence, a quick check with the DVLA online resources will allow employers to regularly check licenses.

Check That Your Grey Fleet Drivers Are Insured Properly

If you didn’t already know, the grey fleet is any driver who uses is own personal car for deliveries. Private insurance is only viable for the journey to and from work. Hence, it’s a great idea to enquire if drivers use their own vehicles for getting to training courses, meetings, or exhibitions. This gives you a better idea of how to instruct them on whether or not they will need business insurance.

Risk Assess Your Drivers

The costs attached to accidents can be rather expensive. This leads to lost working time, costly repairs, and even a high insurance premium. Hence, it is extremely important to identify drivers that are higher risks using the online assessment system for drivers. You’ll also be able to administer proper training to ensure that high-risk drivers become more educated so that they can prevent crashes on their own. Should the worst happen contact The Stephens Law Firm Accident Lawyers.

Provide E-Learning

Drivers can be quickly educated with the power of e-learning. Additionally, e-learning also ensures that your drivers learn and it even saves you on the cost. The Fleet21 is a state-of-the-art system that has been tailored to pick up on weaknesses and guide drivers accordingly.

Make Sure Your Drivers Have Regular Eye Tests

research has indicated that according to expert eye care specialists, at least one in every three drivers would easily fail their eye tests. It also states that two in every five have also not had proper eye examinations within the last two years. Hence, employers should take it upon themselves to offer eye care policies for their drivers on a regular basis.

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