Simple Link Building Strategies for 2023

Link building is a tool every website owner should be aware of and know how to use. Individuals new to website ownership will find they have a lot to learn regarding how to build links. However, those who have owned a website for a while should still review their link-building strategy regularly to ensure they aren’t overlooking any techniques that may benefit them. The following are some tactics every website owner should try. 

Shareable Content

Shareable content is the best way to earn high-quality backlinks. When the content draws people in, others want to share it. Providing industry statistics is one way to do so, with infographics and visual assets being another. Another option is to create a tool that people in the industry will find useful and link to it. 

Listicles allow people to get information they desire quickly and easily. They will share this content with followers if they believe the followers will find it to be helpful. On the other end of the spectrum, an in-depth guide will attract readers because they can find all of the information they want and need in one place. Articles with over 7,000 words receive 1.5 times the shares and four times the traffic of articles with between 800 and 1,200 words. 

Some website owners find it difficult to create shareable content. This shouldn’t hold anyone back, as third-party providers are available to create this content on behalf of the site owner. For example, Get more traffic with

Link Outreach

Website owners need to look for opportunities to place links to their site on other websites. Doing so makes it easier for the target audience to find the site and check it out. In addition, when the search engines see these links, they see the site as more authoritative and will move it up in the rankings. 

Additionally, Umesh Joshi, founder of, says, “Outreach should be about creating connections, not just asking for a link. Any outreach should be customized and tailored to the website you want to reach.”

This strategy helps to build relationships with others in the industry. Both parties often see an increase in traffic when they link to each other. However, each website must be of high quality to see the desired results. 

Brand awareness increases with the help of link outreach efforts. The website and business are seen by a larger portion of the target audience. This also helps to attract more inbound links, which is beneficial to the site’s SEO efforts. 

Social Media Link Building

People often assume building links on social media is nothing more than sharing a link to content. However, there are countless other ways a person or business can use social media to build links and improve their search engine ranking. For instance, a business owner can use their personal Facebook profile to add a link to the website. This serves as a backlink.

In fact, this is the only way Instagram allows a person or business to have a backlink on the site. The backlink must appear in the profile section of the page. Instagram severely limits the inclusion of backlinks on the site, so every business owner should make full use of this option. 

LinkedIn, on the other hand, has few restrictions when it comes to backlinks on the site. They can be included in the website URL section, in posts, or in articles and comments. 

Make full use of link building on all social media sites. Although these links often start with the website owner, they may be shared by others on the sites. This helps to build the company’s online presence while increasing brand awareness. 

Broken Links

Website owners don’t want to send their visitors to a dead link. Doing so can annoy the visitor and have them go to another site. Help the website owner build broken links by alerting them to the dead link and offering a link to replace it. This link is to the website of the person who alerted the owner. 

This process isn’t easy. The website owner looking to replace broken links must first find them. Tools are available to help. However, site owners must then ensure they have content that could replace the link and still fit the original intent of the link. They then must contact the owner of the site with the broken link to see if they will accept the new one. 

While this isn’t the preferred option of many people, it can work. It’s a tactic every website owner may wish to try as part of their link building strategy. A person won’t know how well it works until they try it. 

A link building strategy is necessary to bring more visitors to a website. The above-mentioned tactics are only a few of the many available today. Other options include guest blogging and roundups. Try several tactics to learn which are most effective, and use them regularly for great results.

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