Simple Ways to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle In 2023 And Beyond

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As we become more and more aware of the urgent need to protect our planet, it’s more important than ever before to start adopting sustainable living practices. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, or the type of lifestyle you currently lead, making minor changes and being more eco-conscious can truly pay off in the long run.

Living sustainably is far easier than you think. As we progress through 2023, why not start making minor lifestyle changes? Here are just a few ways to live a more sustainable way of life this year and beyond.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The classic mantra of sustainability still rings true. This involves lowering your consumption by purchasing only what you need, reusing items as often as possible, and recycling where you can. It’s wise to stick with products that have minimal packaging, as well as pick reusable options. This can include water bottles and cloth bags that play a big part in minimising waste. If you live with loved ones, make sure to get the whole family on board. As you get into the habit of reducing waste, reusing items and recycling, you will be amazed at the benefits you’re bringing to the planet and those around you.

Conserve Energy

There’s no doubt about it – energy consumption is a leading contributor to climate change. One of the best practices you can adopt today is conserving energy in your home. Whether it’s switching off lights when leaving a room or appliances that aren’t in use, there are plenty of simple steps you can take in your bit to lower your carbon footprint. Other approaches include switching to energy-efficient light bulbs and insulating your property. If you’ve got the money to do so, why not look into installing solar panels? Whether you’re on a tight budget or able to splurge, there are no excuses not to take some of these suggestions on board.

Eat Sustainably

If you’re serious about living a more sustainable lifestyle, one easy change to make is through your diet. Now is the time to take a look at what you’re putting on your plate. Opting for foods that are produced using sustainable practices is the way forward. This includes organic, locally-grown produce. You can support farmers too who use eco-friendly methods like regenerative agriculture. Also, lowering your meat consumption and picking sustainably-sourced seafood is brilliant for minimising the environmental impact of your diet. We’re not saying you have to make drastic dietary changes overnight. Instead, make small ones until they become routine.

Switch to An Electric Car

If you’re on the hunt for a new car, listen up! Rather than picking any old vehicle on the market, have you thought about making a big change and switching to an electric car? There are numerous benefits attached to electric vehicles you need to know about. These include lower running costs, no congestion charge, and renewable electricity tariffs. Of course, unlike a typical car that requires petrol to run, electric cars run on electricity. LV ElectriX have a guide on how long it takes to charge an electric car. Obviously, charging times vary depending on the model. But, if you’re after a vehicle that emits fewer greenhouse gases over their lifespan when compared to conventional engine cars, sticking with electric vehicles is the answer.

Use Public Transport

For those who don’t drive or want to spend less time behind the steering wheel, why not use public transport to get from A to B instead? As you may be aware, transportation is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. You can reduce your carbon footprint by using public transport, biking, or carpooling. While it may take longer to get to your chosen destination if you opt for a bus or train, think about the environmentally-friendly benefits of doing so. Those who live in a bustling city should have no issues using public transport to get around and to and from work.

Save Water

Water is a precious resource that you must conserve. Unfortunately, many of us don’t give water a second thought. Whether it’s washing the dishes, taking long showers, or keeping our plants healthy, conserving water is one of the best things you can do in your quest to live more sustainably. It’s not hard to conserve water either. For instance, you could collect rainwater for plants, rather than relying on your tap. Also, using a low-flow showerhead and being more mindful of how much water you use when brushing your teeth or washing clothes can make a real difference.

Stick With Sustainable Brands

Showing your support for brands that prioritise sustainability in their practices is another great tactic for doing your bit for the planet. Look for certifications like Organic, B Corp, or Fair Trade to make sure any products you purchase are produced sustainably and ethically. Also, use businesses that are transparent about their environmental impact and who take action to reduce it. Regarding fashion, shop with sustainable clothing retailers too. This means foregoing the likes of Boohoo and ASOS and switching to brands that use 100% cotton in their products.

Practice Minimalism

Why not start embracing a minimalist lifestyle? You can begin by decluttering and simplifying your possessions. It’s best to only buy what you truly need and avoid splurging on things that are just left to collect dust. Once you start minimising consumption, you will find it easier to reduce waste, save resources, and reduce your environmental footprint. If your home is piled high with junk, now is the time to get rid of clutter. You’re not going to achieve your desired results in a day. But, if you work room by room and start shifting non-sentimental items, you will quickly be on the journey to living minimalistic. 

Start Composting

How much food do you normally throw away? Whether it’s fridge items that have gone out of date or leftovers on your plate, rather than scraping them in the bin without a second thought, why not get into composting? This is an effective and simple way to lower organic waste while creating nutrient-rich soil for your garden in the process. You can compost food scraps, garden waste, and other organic materials to divert them from landfills. It’s easy to make homemade compost too. Simply place a layer of soil into the bottom of a container, fill it with shredded newspaper, then throw your kitchen scraps on top.

Educate Yourself and Others

While you may be up to scratch with living sustainably, that’s not to say your nearest and dearest are in the know. If you want to make real changes in the community, start educating your loved ones on how to be more sustainable. Raising awareness on this matter will inspire action and bring everyone closer together. You can share tips and tricks on all things sustainability too that can only be a good thing for the planet.

As shown above, living a more sustainable lifestyle doesn’t have to be hard work. Whether it’s something as simple as composting your food or being careful on how much water you use, there are plenty of easy tactics you can try out today that can yield impressive results and help the planet.

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