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18:30 BST, June 15, 2020Business insurance is essential for all companies. If you own or are in charge of a small business, you need to carefully consider acquiring adequate cover. Insurance is a necessary expense, but what should you be covered for, and what else is there to consider bar the obvious? Knowing the answers to these questions is essential to ensure you can fully utilize your small business insurance.
1: Cover for Liability
This area of insurance protects you and your company against claims made by consumers regarding the products or services that they bought from you. If they are injured while using what you sold them, they might try to sue you. You need to have a policy that covers all legal costs and compensation payouts. As with all areas of insurance, you should talk to a professional who will be able to assess the level and type of cover you need.
For your business to have better chances of thriving and succeeding in the industry, spend some time knowing the cost of product liability insurance and make sure that your business is insured. There’s no such thing as a perfect product, but some customers would sue your business just to get compensation.
2: Cover for Assets
Once you have discussed the insurance needed for liability issues, you need to think about the assets associated with your company. Many small businesses make the mistake of insuring their premises as their only asset. The buildings must be insured, but do not forget the assets within.
Other assets may include tools, machinery, computers, vehicles, laboratory equipment, medical devices, other equipment of value, and any existing stock. It is important that you have excellent cover for all of your assets.
Asset insurance covers your tools from sudden or accidental damage. If these tools are damaged, the insurer will pay the cost of its repairs or replace them if they’re unrepairable. This kind of insurance will surely save your business a lot of money and inconvenience.
The tools inside your business premises can make or break the productivity of your employees and can affect the efficacy of your daily operations. It’ll be challenging for your business to haul in customers or earn profits without these tools, which is why it’s best if you have these insured as soon as possible.
3: Lost Income and Theft
What about your company’s financial assets? You’ve covered the buildings, contents, and equipment, but what happens if – through no fault of your own, you suffer problems that cause you to endure a loss of income for a certain period? Or, what happens if you are a victim of theft from a break-in, or perhaps via someone who works for you? Such things do happen and are troublesome.
You need to talk to an insurance expert in some depth regarding this potential problem, as it is one that requires a specialised and carefully thought-out cover. Money is one of the most important resources of every business and losing this can mean tragedy for the business. For small and new businesses, lost income can even prompt them to stop their operations.
What would happen if somebody broke in and stole your client list? As far as your competitors are concerned, that list is extremely valuable. It would be financially devastating if they erased all data on client histories, sales, visits, etc. Client lists, proprietary software, and other abstract items, if they are valuable, are also assets; we call them intangible assets or intangibles.
If you want your business to be protected from situations like these, make sure to get an insurance policy that covers lost income and theft. This kind of insurance might require you to pay a huge amount of money upfront, but with the benefits you can experience from this coverage, your payment will be worth it in the long run.
4: Reputable Insurer
The world of insurance exists in a fiercely competitive marketplace. All insurers offer basic levels of cover. Not all of them, however, can provide exactly what your company needs, i.e., a specially tailored policy.
A professional, reputable insurer will first find out exactly what your requirements are. They may also suggest important scenarios or assets that you had not previously thought of. When all your requirements are listed, they will put forward a proposed policy just for you.
To save time and avoid ending up with a policy that might not be the best one for your company, ask the insurer whether they can offer custom-made cover.
If this is your first time to work with an insurer, pour in time and effort to scout for options. You can also ask some of your friends and family for recommendations. The insurer you’ll hire will play a vital role in the daily operations and long-term success of your business, which is why you should be extra careful when choosing.
5: Sensible Rates
Cost is always an issue for businesses, especially SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises). We all know we must pay. However, we also want to know whether we have paid too much, the right amount, or even too little. There may be items in a policy that are irrelevant to your company – why should you pay for them?
Your insurance policy needs to have all costs itemized; make sure that they are. Do not hesitate to ask questions about costs. It pays to shop around and get a few quotes.
Small business insurance is essential if you want to operate knowing that you are covered in all essential areas. So, talk to your insurer and explain exactly what you are looking for. Hopefully, after reading this article, you will be in a better position to find the right policy. Good luck!
Interesting related article: “What is Business Liability Insurance?”