THC edibles. Important tips for their consumption and preparation

For many, consuming cannabis edibles is an entertaining and highly enjoyable alternative, however, when we try this type of edibles, many times we do not know what effects we are going to face, we may feel absolutely nothing or we may get a strong high with unpleasant side effects.

We usually think that in the preparation of these edibles we can put the same amount of grass that we smoke, however, there is nothing more wrong than this since the effects of cannabis butter can become more powerful than those of inhaled or vaped cannabis. For that reason, you have to be very careful when preparing food with this substance, the trick is to calculate what is the most appropriate amount of THC to use and thus be able to enjoy more reliably this alternative consumption.

THC edibles - Tetrahydrocannabinol
Image created by Market Business News.

How to start consuming edibles with THC

Before we dare to prepare and consume this type of product, we must review and take into account several important factors. It is also advisable to buy the products from a safe provider, such as Cannabis clubs Barcelona. When THC is digested, it becomes much more potent than the one we smoke, since it is converted into 11-hydroxy-THC, not to mention that this substance acts differently when dosed with food. Therefore, if you are beginning to experiment with cannabis edibles, we suggest patience and caution and testing how your body reacts.

It is the same precaution you would take if you were using psychedelics, and with that, you can get an idea of how powerful THC becomes in edibles. You also have to take into account if you are going to consume in a favourable and safe place with people you trust, and last but not least evaluate your mood and how is your disposition for that day, don’t try it if you have doubts or you are not totally comfortable.

Why do the effects take time and how to determine their potency?

When you consume cannabis edibles you discover that the effects begin to be felt a little later than if you had smoked grass, this is because the digested THC takes from 20 minutes to two hours to take effect in the body, this depends a lot on how much food you have ingested and your physiognomy, however, on average you begin to feel the effects between half an hour and an hour after the ingestion of the edible has occurred.

So, if you do not feel an immediate effect, do not rush, just wait for a little, do not venture to ingest another dose, because the final effect will be much more powerful and you may end up feeling very bad. Do not forget that if a person is a frequent consumer of cannabis, his tolerance to edible THC will be much higher than that of people who are not used to the substance.

But how can I determine this potency? Again, we stress the importance of calculating the amount of THC used in our edibles preparations, as this can determine whether we have a pleasant experience or on the contrary have a bad time.

In cannabis products, the potency is determined by the amount of THC present in the product which is represented as a percentage, but when preparing edibles, the THC is expressed in milligrams. An average dose of THC ranges between 2.5 and 15 mg, a dose higher than 30 mg is extreme while one that is below the average range works for beginners who do not want overwhelming effects in their experience.

Preparation tips

First of all, use the right tools, use a weight to measure the right amounts, use butter or coconut oil to retain the most cannabinoids and spread them evenly in our mixture, which you should stir well. Do not let your butter burn, this can cause the cannabinoids to decompose and when you are going to use it, cut the pieces of your cannabutter vertically, as the compounds tend to settle at the bottom. Finally cut the pieces of your edible in equal parts, so that the doses are even.

We already know that you can calculate approximately the amount of THC present in the preparations of your edibles, even to be able to determine what will be the dose to consume to achieve the desired effects

However, it should be noted that when handling this substance, the difference between a low and high dose is really minimal, so knowing these aspects and taking into account all external factors that influence the consumption experience will be essential to avoid suffering those unwanted side effects and achieve a satisfactory and memorable experience.

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