The truth about HRT for women

HGH Therapy image 33333Even five years ago, the usage of HGH or visiting a Hormone Replacement Clinic seemed to be a medical challenge for people with hormonal imbalance. For decades, women were told that hormone replacement therapy was nothing but a combination of progestin and estrogen and that it was good for them during and post-menopause.

Then, after the 2002 results of the Women’s Health Initiative Study, we all started seeing another side to the hormone replacement therapy story. The study showed that HRT could increase the risk of strokes, cancer, and heart attacks. It also suggested that the treatment could be life-threatening.

According to recent reports, vasomotor symptoms usually affect around 80% of women during the menopause transition, and tend to be severe in about 20% of cases. The duration of these symptoms varies and differs, with a median of four years. However, the symptoms may continue for as many as 12 years in about 10% of the patients.

Hormone replacement therapy can indeed be an effective treatment for typical menopause-related symptoms. There are also some other long term health issues associated with the menopause such as a greater risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.

In what way does HGH work and what does it do?

HGH stands for Human Growth Hormone. HGH therapy treats people with HGH imbalances.

The glaring question among most women is whether HGH actually works to make you look young again and also increase your lifespan. The answer to this question is a clear ‘No.’ No magic product, drug, food, or ingredient exists today that can keep you young forever and give you eternal life.

However, if we to take a serious look at all the workings of growth hormones in the body, the results are astounding.

HGH Therapy image 4444The benefits of hormone replacement therapy

The benefits of hormone therapy depend on whether you take systemic hormone therapy or low-dose vaginal preparations of estrogen. Systemic means related to the whole body. A systemic disease affects the whole body while systemic therapy spreads to the whole body.

Systemic hormone therapy

Did you know that systemic estrogen, which comes in a skin patch, pill, gel, cream and spray form is still the most effective treatment for relief of troublesome menopausal hot flushes and night sweats? Estrogen can even help treat vaginal dryness, hot flashes, and discomfort after intercourse, and itching.

Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still states that estrogen is effective for prevention of bone-thinning disease, doctors, however, usually recommend bisphosphonates.

Low dose vaginal products

Low-dose vaginal preparations of estrogen come in the form of a cream, tablet, or ring. They can effectively treat vaginal and other urinary symptoms while reducing the amount of absorption into the body.

Low dose vaginal preparations don’t help with hot flushes, night sweats, and don’t offer any kind of protection from osteoporosis.

How does HGH work in the human body?

HGH therapy repleneshies the body’s hormone levels. That is, it brings them back to ‘normal’ levels, levels that existed before the decline.

Hormone levels are at their peak when women are in their twenties and early thirties. During some years leading up to the menopause and during the menopause itself, hormone levels decine significantly.

Through HGH therapy, there is an increase in the level of GH or growth hormone in the body through the use of bioidentical agents – in this case with the help of HGH injections. Each part of the body that relies on the critical chemical reaps the benefits from the hormonal infusion through the injections. Wherever naturally produced growth hormone would go, HGH goes as well, thereby stimulating the body to work like it used to when hormone levels were normal.

Regarding HGH therapy for women, HGH DOCTOR writes the following on its website:

“Every woman ages uniquely, but some suffer the effects of time in unhealthy and unpleasant ways.”

“We know that you want to look, feel, and act your best, no matter what your chronological age. That is why our doctors provide HGH therapy for women dealing with growth hormone deficiency.”