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21:27 GMT, October 31, 2022The Most Memorable Words and Phrases to Use in Your Graduate School Essays
21:41 GMT, October 31, 2022Exams are a part of everyone’s life and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. Whether you are studying for your GCSEs, A-Levels or a degree, exams will always be there. The only difference is that you’ll have more time to prepare for them as you grow older. No matter what your age, exam anxiety is something which many people suffer from. It can be a difficult time for students and their parents alike – but it doesn’t have to be! If you want to survive the exam season with your sanity intact, then these tips should help:
- Don’t wait until the last minute;
- Don’t cram;
- Take care of yourself;
- Study in short bursts;
- Get plenty of sleep.
5 Tips to Overcome Exam Anxiety
- Get enough sleep: Sleep deprivation can cause anxiety and worry, so try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
- Exercise: Exercise releases endorphins which can help you feel better and more relaxed. Try going for a walk or doing yoga to help with your anxiety levels.
- Eat healthy: Try to eat healthy food that is not too heavy on the stomach such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean protein sources like chicken or fish.
- Avoid alcohol: Alcohol is a depressant that can make you feel worse when you are feeling anxious, so avoid it if possible.
- Practice self-care: Practice self-care by taking time for yourself to do things that you enjoy – go for a walk, watch TV or read a book.
How to Prepare Your Body & Mind for the Approaching Exams?
The first step for students is to know what they want to study. It can be a course, a major, or even a career. Once they are clear about that, then they should start with the basic preparations for their education.
This includes knowing their strengths and weaknesses, setting up a plan for the exam time and managing their time wisely. For example, if students find themselves with too much work on their plate and have difficulty managing it all in the end of the semester then they should switch to a more manageable workload during this period (e.g., take fewer courses).
Students are typically given a lot of work to complete in the end of their semester. This can lead to undue stress and a feeling that they have too much work with no way to manage it all, which is detrimental to their grade.
Your One-Stop Guide To The 5 Core Components of Memory!
Memory is a complex process that is not fully understood by scientists. Memory can be divided into five core components: sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory, working memory, and episodic memory. Sensory memory contains information that comes in to the brain through our senses, such as sound or smell. Short-term memories are those memories that can last up to 30 seconds before they start
Sensory Memory is the brain’s ability to store and process information from the senses for a very brief period of time. Information from our senses are processed in sensory memory before being transferred to short-term or long-term memories. For example, we may hear a noise and later remember that our dog was barking in the background. This memory of the sound is stored in our sensory memory before transferring to other memorized memories. Sensory memories are however, not as strong or long lasting as other types of memories.
Short-Term Memory (STM) is the part of our brain’s capacity that we use to hold information for a few seconds so that we can think about it or use it with other information. The capacity of STM varies among individuals but most people are able to hold 7 items in STM at any given time.
LTM are memories that have lasted for a long time – this includes both explicit (the memory is conscious and you can recall it) and implicit (unconscious) memories as well as episodic memory (events in your life that make up a story or timeline) and semantic (general knowledge such as words, language, mathematics).
How To Prepare Your Study Place For The Upcoming Exams?
The psychological and physical preparations before an exam are crucial for success. Here are some tips on how to prepare your study place for the upcoming exams.
The best way to prepare for an exam is to organize a study place that will serve as your personal temple of learning. This includes a quiet space, with enough room to spread out and make notes, and free of distractions from televisions, pets or other people.
- Make sure that you have a quiet, distraction-free study space before your exams.
- Get enough sleep before the exam and maintain a healthy diet during the exam period.
- Prepare yourself mentally by being optimistic and confident of your abilities in order to get a good night’s sleep before the exam, which will help you be more focused during the day of the exam as well as give you more energy to finish all of your tasks at hand.
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