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18:41 BST, August 13, 2023Selling on the Internet is a business that has experienced incredible growth in recent years. Everyone appreciates the comfort, convenience, and discretion of online shopping. So, this increased demand has opened the door for many sellers to offer their goods on the World Wide Web.
There are many ways to sell your own products on the Internet or do dropshipping (more on this selling method read on this source), but selling on Amazon is considered the crème de la crème of e-commerce. This platform has a long history and an excellent reputation, and both buyers and sellers are happy with it.
The huge growth of the Amazon marketplace also means huge competition. Still, the beauty of e-commerce is that every product can find its buyer, and there’s always room for new sellers. If you are planning to start your business there or have already started without much success, we will give you some tips on how to make your sales more successful.
Work on Your Store
Every beginning is hard, so Amazon made an effort to simplify the access for sellers and make it even a bit easier for beginners. There are also plenty of free tools to help you create your e-shop. Still, it does not mean you do not have to make any investments, not only in terms of finances but also marketing and sales of knowledge and skills.
Your Amazon store is the place where potential customers will have their first contact with you. Those who come there should stay as long as possible and take some favorable actions. For that to be possible, you need to create a user-friendly environment with informative and engaging content.
Make the product title catchy yet informative enough that the customer wants to know more about it. The listing of your products should be clear, with more bullet points than long descriptions. The products must be described in detail and presented as well as possible in the images. That way, buyers can get the best insight into what they want to buy.
Be Competitive with Prices
When you start trading on Amazon, researching the competition is a crucial step in finding your path into the market. It can also help you detect your strong and weak points. You will use the first to stand out and the second to work on them.
Researching the competition within your niche is also necessary for adequate product pricing. As a newbie, you might think that only lower prices can help you gain an advantage. It can be a good start to increase your sales and ranking on the platform.
The price of your products may initially be a little lower than the competitors’, for example, by two or three percent. To know how low you can go, calculate your profit margin. For starters, it is good if it is around 20%, but it should grow over time. Not because you increase the product price but because you cleverly invest in campaigns that bring more sales and cut the total marketing costs.
Do not Neglect SEO Optimization
For someone to find you on the Internet, there must be something that defines you, that is, by what that someone will find you using search engines. The same rule applies to Amazon, which functions as an independent web browser, that is, it has its own search within the products and e-stores advertised.
This gives you an initial advantage because it eliminates sellers from other platforms, and whoever searches on Amazon wants to buy something there. That is why you have to optimize your products for search on this platform, which can differ from “standard” search engine optimization.
More on differences between Google and Amazon SEO read below:
The Amazon algorithm searches for keywords but also slightly favors best-selling products. It is not easy to get to that point if you are a beginner, but at least you know the direction in which you should move. What you need to do is use good, old keywords and make your product stand out from the rest.
Keyword Importance
In addition to the already mentioned arrangement of images and product descriptions, it is of utmost importance to find relevant keywords that customers will use to reach you. Put yourself in the buyers’ shoes, look at the key advantages and features of your product, and find the right combination of words.
For starters, you can conduct your own Amazon search to see which keyword combos appear for a specific term. Then, research the competition to see how they stand out. This can give you good guidelines for finding long-tail keywords (low search volume, but also lower competition and higher conversion rate) that will bring customers directly to you.
Do not neglect short-tail keywords either because they increase the visibility of your brand. It might take more effort and skills to rank yourself for this high search volume, but once you do that, it will drive a significant amount of traffic to your e-store.
Impeccable Customer Service
When you sell on Amazon, sooner or later, you will come across an unsatisfied customer. It may not be your fault, but you will suffer the consequences of their displeasure. To minimize the risk of negative feedback that can lower your rating and reputation as a seller, you need to communicate with customers promptly.
From the moment of sale to product shipping, you must keep up with the order processing. You must double-check all information, pack products, and ship them to buyers within the agreed time. If that is too much work, you can enroll into Amazon FBA, and let the platform handle all logistics and customer service on your behalf. This and Amazon publishing business automation (if you sell e-books or audiobooks) are really handy service that is worth every penny.
You will face many challenges once you start your Amazon store. There will be challenging times, but with good selling products, spot-on SEO strategy, competitive pricing, and great customer service, you can increase visibility and attract more potential customers.
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