10 Helpful Wellness Tips for the Workplace

Wellness tips for the workplace - 39993While there are diverse standpoints when it comes to wellness tips for the workplace, many people agree that health promotion in the workplace can be rewarding. Besides, there are lots of organizations that encourage workplace wellness, and they’re doing well.

Formulating policies that support healthy behaviors at the workplace can have positive effects on both your staff and your organization’s health. Also, making workplace wellness a central part of your company culture can help your employees be in their best shapes and to deliver their best work.

Read on to learn the 10 of the most helpful wellness tips for your workplace.

  1. Start Simple

One of the best things to do when getting healthy while working full-time in an office is to start out simple. Make a plan of small steps that you can take every day to get you closer to being more balanced.

Start paying attention to the habits that drain you and cause you to feel unhealthy. Then start to slowly shift those behaviors until they become your new habits. Keep track of your progress for motivation.

  1. Motivate Others

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Created by Market Business News using material from various sources.

If you’re trying to become healthier in the workplace, it may help if you had others to do it with. Try suggesting activities and challenges that you all can do together. Be innovative and allow for activities that inspire action.

For example, you could suggest starting can a healthy competition where teams are expected to achieve specific goals collectively (losing the most weight, etc.). Ask your employer if they could provide people with affordable tools that help promote wellness for the entire office community to be encouraged.

  1. Prioritize an Ergonomic Set-Up

Working long hours while seated improperly will likely (over time) wreak havoc on your body. It’s in your best interest to set up your monitor, keyboard, chair and desk in ergonomically right positions.

Even then, sitting for an extended period of time isn’t too good for your health. If getting yourself a standing desk is something feasible, you should give it a try.

  1. Stand up and Stretch

You should spend at least 30 minutes each day standing at your desk. This could be tackling some short to-dos, like answering emails. If your office doesn’t have much space that allows you to work while standing up, then ensure you find time to stand up physically. Also, stretch at least once every hour to avoid neck pains and sore muscles.

  1. Pack Your Own Lunch

Packed lunch - wellness tips for the workplace 040330It can be hard to make the right choices on an empty stomach or when you’re eating out. By bringing your own food, you ensure that you pack the lunch you like and still keep on track with your wellness tips for the workplace.

The trick is making sure some part of your lunch brings to mind the feelings of a treat.

  1. Suggest Healthy Vending Machines

The break room is where workers convene to eat their packed lunch or have a snack. Other times, most people head for the vending machines and grab unhealthy junk food — such as candy bars.

Consider suggesting healthy options to your employer that facilitates the installation of vending machines. Healthy YOU Vending machines could be placed anywhere to cater to the needs of people who are looking for a snack without the guilt.

Healthy you vending machines image 493989389389839839
Image Source: https://www.healthyyouvending.com/

Note that people with certain health conditions, like gluten intolerance, find it hard to get something they can eat. You could be their source of healthier options. These machines could help you fill their need because you can decide the healthy products to put in the machine.

  1. Look After Your Eyes

Staring at your computer screen, reading, and performing other close-up tasks can increase your risk of eye problems. Any tools that ease the “tasks” your eyes have to do on the screen might be helpful.

Getting yourself a pair of glasses that reduce eye strain while doing extended close-up work could help in some way. To help minimize blurry vision, dry eyes, and headaches, consider adjusting the display on your computer so the contrast is right and the glare feels comfortable.

Take breaks often if you feel like you’ve been staring into blue light for too long.

  1. Stay Hydrated

Stay hydrated - image 4983893893
Created by Market Business News using material from various sources.

Drinking enough water throughout the day is one of the most simple tips for staying healthy at work. Be sure to bring in a refillable water bottle if your office has water fountains or tanks.

You may also want to keep fruits and veggies with high water content with you, such as cucumbers and melons. Pay close attention to your intake during the day and use tracking methods to help.

  1. Attend More Social Events

Social events provide a good platform for staff to create friendships with their colleagues. Fostering these relationships can help increase your workplace wellness.

Regardless of the size of your company, you can attend and host social events like movie nights and happy hours. The good thing, all these don’t necessarily need to be related to what the company does. You could just suggest that people get together and volunteer to organize.

Social events can help boost emotional wellness in the workplace by improving employee engagement and relations.

  1. Breathe Easy

Plants help improve air quality 94838938It’s in the public domain that adequate ventilation improves air quality and increases productivity. And yes, it’s true. You don’t necessarily need fancy air conditioning, ventilation, and heating systems to achieve this.

Including indoor plants at your workplace is a helpful way of getting rid of carbon dioxide and getting oxygen in. Having indoor plants around your workplace not only contributes to the good health of your staff but also boosts your environmental assessment ratings. Plus, plants just look nice.

Also, while on the subject of breathing, make sure you take deeper breathes throughout the day. Become more conscious of your breathing pattern and set reminds that help you redirect shallow breathing.

Try These Wellness Tips for the Workplace

If your workforce is grumpy, tired, and generally frustrated, it’s possibly time to make a few changes. Investing in employee wellbeing can help your staff to be healthy, comfortable, and happier. This list comprises tested and proven wellness tips for the workplace you can use to create a sense of wellbeing at your company.

Looking for more tips to run your business? Be sure to browse the rest of this site.


Interesting related article: “What is Health?