What’s Better Vaporizers or Humidifiers?

Did you know that humidity levels are really important in terms of our health risks? In short, humidity is the level of moisture that is in the air and often makes it feel hotter than the actual temperature is. For many people, being in an environment where the humidity levels are too high is extremely uncomfortable. And at the opposite end of the spectrum, being in an extra-dry environment that lacks any humidity at all can be just as uncomfortable.

Humidifier image 232222If we are exposed to an abnormal level—be that too high or too low—of humidity, our bodies will start to show symptoms such as excessive sweating, irregular body odor, dry skin, re-occurring nosebleeds, or breathing problems. When our bodies are in an environment that is too humid, it has to work extra hard to cool down and could actually lead to further health complications in some cases.

That is where the inventions of vaporizers and humidifiers have come into play as a solution to evening out the level of moisture our bodies are exposed to. Before we get into a detailed outline of what is better—a vaporizer vs humidifier—it is important to note that both are designed to balance out the moisture in an enclosed environment like your home to mitigate any health risks like a cold or becoming congested.

The main difference that stands between a vaporizer and a humidifier is their method of balancing out moisture in the air. A humidifier relies on mist produced by cold water and a vaporizer produces steam from hot water.

So, which one is better? Here are the key points to consider when deciding for yourself.

1. Cool water is safer

In general, any product that requires hot water can pose a threat to pets, children, and even adults! Vaporizers rely on extremely hot water to produce the intended result of steam.

If the vaporizer is tipped over and spilled on an innocent bystander, there is a potential risk of burning the skin! On the contrary, humidifiers use cooler water to create a mist—meaning if it was spilled the damaging effects to the skin would be minimal and making it the safer option.

2. Easy cleaning is always best

Because humidifiers and vaporizers are using water in a different environment, the risk of bacteria build-up will be different. With vaporizers, the steam prevents the majority of risk for bacteria build-up, meaning that it does not have to be cleaned daily.

On the contrary, humidifiers have a higher risk of getting bacteria build-up and need to be cleaned every day. For ease of cleaning, vaporizers are a more convenient solution.

3. The level of contaminants matters

Both humidifiers and vaporizers require filters to work, to collect all the bad stuff from becoming airborne or mold developing. Both can create allergy issues for those living in the environment. While both have solid filters, vaporizers naturally have less risk of either thanks to the steam—which allows those with sensitive allergies from being exposed to particles that might trigger negative side effects.

4. They both get the job done

One of the biggest goals of both humidifiers and vaporizers is to help offset the risks of getting any form of congestion, cold, or flu symptoms. And the great news is, both are successfully proven to achieve that! So ultimately, it is up to personal preference as to which method you want to use and the other factors that you personally need to consider.

When it comes to vaporizers vs humidifiers, it is a win-win situation when it comes to reducing health risks that could arise from unbalanced humidity levels in the air.

Interesting Related Article: “Is a Vaporizer the Same as a Humidifier?