3D Printing

Ford trial 3D-printing car parts

Ford trial 3D-printing car parts

In order to explore the technology's potential for producing future vehicles, Ford Motor Company have started 3D-printing car parts in…

Game-changing 3D printing moves into mainstream manufacturing

Over the past decade, 3D printing has advanced from prototyping to mainstream manufacturing. It is transforming the shop floor in…

Imagine underwater cities underground skyscrapers 3D printed food and transport drones

Imagine a world full of underwater cities, underground skyscrapers, 3D printed food and houses, personal drones instead of cars as…

Amazon releases free 3D game engine called ‘Lumberyard’

Amazon Web Services is rolling out two new free products for PC and console game developers: a 3D game engine…

Insects have 3D vision – test using tiny glasses found

Insects have 3D vision, scientists found after fitting some praying mantises with special tiny 'insect-cinema' glasses. The researchers, from Newcastle…

Common ancestor of modern humans and Neanderthals 3D virtual fossil

The last common ancestor of modern humans and Neanderthals has been shown in a 3D recreation by scientists at the…

3D map of Universe most comprehensive yet, spans nearly 2bn light years

The most comprehensive 3D map of the Universe has been created by astrophysicists from Canada and France, who say it…

Disney develops 3D printer that uses fabric

Disney’s research division, in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University and Cornell University, has developed a new 3D printer that is…

Caltech develops 3D scanning camera chip for smartphones

A new camera chip that provides “superfine 3-D resolution” has been developed at Caltech. The research shows promise. The new…

Google Project Tango, 3D scanning camera, is a step closer to being unveiled

Google is a step closer to unveiling its highly anticipated 3D scanning camera. The company announced that Project Tango, its…