5 Genuine Ways You Can Use SEO As a Cosmetic Surgeon

Gone are the days when looking your best was considered important only for people associated with the glamour world. In today’s scenario, how you people work on their appearance can mean the difference between having a well-paying job and being unemployed. Considering that, more and more people are seriously giving cosmetic surgery a chance to help amplify their success. This means that there is more competition out there in the cosmetic surgery space and you need to ensure that you attract more and more leads and convert as many of them into actual customers as you can. In this objective, it will surely help if you are on the top of search results and to do that you need to work with SEO specialists who know the proven strategies to grow your rankings.

In this article, we discuss 5 ways in which you can use search engine optimization (SEO) as a cosmetic surgeon to attract more leads and eventually convert a sizeable number of those leads so as to build yourself a successful practice. So let’s get started.  

  1. Focus on quality content – If you thought that ‘content is king’ is overstated, figure this – in 2016, a Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google accepted that good quality content is one of the three important ranking factors. As a plastic surgeon, not only do you need to publish content that shows your expertise in the field, it is equally important for you to produce relatable content like assuaging any fears that people may have before going under the knife. For instance, cosmetic surgery SEO specialists Practice Bloom believes that when it comes to quality content in relation to cosmetic surgeons, it all boils down to figuring out what people want to know.
  2. Give due importance to local SEO – Let’s get it down to the fact that, more often than not, when someone is considering cosmetic surgery, they will prefer a surgeon who is nearer to where they live or work. In that case, it is frivolous to spend on a comprehensive SEO strategy without paying attention to local SEO. Giving due importance to local SEO means ensuring that your website content (both textual content as well as tags and profile photo names) includes the name of your city or locality prominently and frequently.
  3. Go big on social media – Social media marketing is an integral component of digital marketing. However, it assumes enormous proportions when it comes to cosmetic surgery SEO specialists due to two reasons. First, as a cosmetic surgeon, you are the brand and you need to promote yourself on social media so that people can trust you when it comes to your field. Second, visuals are so influential in terms of attracting more and more customers when it comes to this field. A robust social media presence especially on Facebook and Instagram can work wonders for your search rankings and ultimately your practice.
  4. Have a mobile-friendly website – It is no secret that the world is now full of smartphones and even the seniors have started being accustomed to the technology. In fact, so many people do not know how to operate a laptop or computer but can manage to surf the internet on their smartphones. To add to it, mobile accounts for approximately half of web traffic worldwide. Hence, it is crucial to have a mobile-friendly website so that you can tap into the potential group of customers who are searching on mobile. Needless to say, search rankings are affected by the efficacy of your mobile site.
  5. Leverage the power of YouTube – The fact that Google (or rather Alphabet) is the owner of YouTube means that the more quality videos you have on YouTube, the higher your search ranking will be on Google. Plus, there is a search function on YouTube that deserves another article on its own. Your YouTube video description is a valuable online real estate that can help in YouTube SEO which in turn will improve your search rankings.
  6. At the end of the day, as a cosmetic surgeon it is important for you to ensure that whatever cosmetic surgery SEO specialists you work with, you should get closer to your goal which is attracting more and more customers. Sometimes, this requires working at both ends – building organic reach through long-term strategies as well as using paid marketing options so as to establish an initial presence in the short term. If you do your work well and take advantage of the benefits that SEO provides, there is nothing that can stop your practice from growing. In fact, the more customers that you gain through your SEO strategy can actually reduce your expenses in the future as their online reviews will also further help your search rankings.

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