7 Reasons Why Businesses Need Video Marketing

Source: Unsplash

Many people prefer videos to images or blog articles. Mobile users love watching videos, whether on their phones at home or on the go.

If you don’t have a video marketing strategy, all those video lovers might not pay much attention to the content you share online to promote your business. When you put time and effort into corporate video production, your brand will be more likely to be noticed and memorable.

If you’re running a business and not using video content in your marketing strategy, you might be leaving a lot of money on the table. Here are some reasons businesses need video marketing.

Favoured by social media platforms

Where are people watching videos? On social media, mostly. Social media platforms favour video content. There’s YouTube, of course, but you can be sure people spend a lot of time watching videos on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, to name a few.

If your business is already present on social media, offering videos to your followers will increase its visibility. And if they like what they see, they might share your videos with their friends, who could all become potential customers for your brand.

Allows you to tell stories that connect with customers

Video marketing is not just for social media. You can add videos to your website and blog posts. You can also include them in your email marketing strategy. But remember that if you make videos that aim to sell something, your audience might not find them that interesting to watch.

Instead of filming a sales pitch, tell a story that connects with your customers. For example, tell them a story about your business or how you design your products.

Helps customers understand your products

Your videos can also explain what your products look like, their purpose, and how they work.

Many customers will feel too lazy to read a lengthy product description, especially if they use their phone to shop online. They want to quickly understand what a product does so they can decide whether to buy it.

Explaining your products or services to your audience will be easier with videos. Just be sure to create quality videos with good lighting and audio.

Helps boost your sales

Video marketing is one of the most important reasons why businesses need it to boost sales. It simply makes sense. People will watch your videos, like them, and share them with their friends. More people will get to know your brand, and they will connect with your messages.

Then, whenever they consider buying one of your products, your sales page will show them how it works with an engaging video. Plus, once you get it all figured out, creating videos and including them in your marketing strategy will give you a great return on your investment.

Get people engaged and talking about your brand

Of course, you want your audience to buy your products. But you also want them to like your business and talk about it with their friends, family, work colleagues, and neighbours—everyone.

Quality, informative, and fun videos will naturally make people want to engage and interact with your brand. They will remember what you show and tell them and want more entertaining videos from you.

Establishes your business as a reliable and trustworthy one

Some types of videos, such as video testimonials and product reviews, will help establish your business as reliable and trustworthy.

But of course, you won’t appear as trustworthy if you create testimonials for your own products. Instead, you should seek testimonials and reviews from your customers. Or you could partner with influencers who would promote your business in exchange for free products.

The more people see your business as reliable and trustworthy, the more likely they will become loyal customers.

Allows you to make the most of SEO

Finally, your business needs video marketing because videos can help you rank higher in search engine results. Why? Because they are SEO-friendly.

When you upload videos to YouTube or another social media platform, you can use SEO keywords in your video titles, headlines, and descriptions. Make the most of SEO and help your audience find you when they use search engines. However, you must ensure you’re using relevant and popular keywords.

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