8 Job Hunting Tips for Fresh Graduates

After a long, demanding, and expensive few years, you finally have your qualifications. The challenges aren’t over, though.

Getting a job after graduating isn’t a straightforward task, especially in an unsettled economy —Fortunately, some steps can make the task easier for you:

#1 Work on Your Resume

Your resume should be your primary focus in your job hunt. It should quickly tell employers everything they need to know about you to call you for an interview. Your resume should be concise, well-formatted, and highlight your relevant skills and qualifications.

If you’re struggling with your resume, you can look for an attention-grabbing, professionally designed resume template online. This will help you Increase your chances of finding the perfect job.

#2 Leverage Keywords

You probably know the value of uploading your resume to job-hunting websites. Modern HR departments regularly use online spaces to find the most qualified candidates. To separate yourself from the competition, leverage keywords. Scan job ads for keywords and subtly pepper them throughout your resume to attract attention.

“Most recruiters today rely on a lot of tools for candidate outreach. To get noticed, you have to leave strategic “breadcrumbs” around the web. The obvious recruiter magnet is your LinkedIn profile. It has to be up-to-date and well-optimized. Separately, however, it’s also great to have a personal website with a published version of your full resume in a PDF format. This way, your resume also gets indexed by search engines and can come up in search results when talent outreach specialists are looking up for candidates”, says Hertzel Betito from Freesumes — a popular career resource.

#3 Talk to a Mentor

Look up mentorship programs and match with a respected professional who can guide you. A mentor can offer essential advice, find you jobs through their connections, and can even help you develop your career path.

#4 Check Local Media Pages

One of the best ways to hunt for a job after graduating is to look in local pages for leads and tricks. For example, Canadians on a job search can look to Canada News Media for the latest information. One recent insightful article even shares three common reasons people struggle to find jobs.

#5 Visit Job Fairs

Job fairs are an excellent place to connect with recruiters, companies, and other resources. Not only can you match with an employer at a job fair, but you can also learn more about the skills and experience your dream job requires.

Consider attending a few conferences in your field too. Conferences can be a great place to network and gain industry insights. You can also mention your conference attendance on your cover letter or resume to show your keenness toward your industry.

#6 Connect with Your College

Connect with your college or university and let them know you’re actively job hunting. They may offer leads or have a job on campus. Many colleges also have partnerships with businesses to help top students get placements.

#7 Work on Your Qualifications

Look up the qualifications required for your ideal job. You may need to complete a few short courses to beef up your resume. For example, if you’re searching for an online writing job after completing an English degree, you may need to finish a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) course to make yourself more hirable.

#8 Partner with a Recruiter

An experienced recruitment agency can help you find a job. Such agencies usually charge a sizable fee — typically a percentage of your first paycheck. But the fees are worth getting your foot in the door.

These are eight essential tips that can help you find work after graduation. The journey may seem tricky, but don’t lose hope. With the right steps, you will be landing your dream job soon.

Interesting Related Article: “What Universities Should Do to Help Their Graduates to Find a Job