3 Essential Features to Elevate Your Healthcare Messaging System

For both the patient and provider, convenient yet secure communication tools can make all the difference when managing healthcare needs. Yet, as our lives become more digital by the day, awkward telephone calls to discuss test results or to discuss appointment scheduling needs aren’t really cutting it any more. Patients are demanding more. 

They expect flexibility, access to their providers with a simple click, and they also want to know that their sensitive medical information is protected at all times, no matter what communication channel they are using. In this context, HIPAA compliance is table stakes, because adherence to these regulations ensures patient record privacy.

The good news? New technology has made seamless, secure, patient-centered digital communication possible – as long as you implement the right solutions.

Automatically Encrypted Email

Despite some whispers that “email is dead” or outdated in some way, it continues to thrive as one of the primary communication tools for organizations today – including those in healthcare. Whether coordinating referrals, sharing updates after an appointment, reminding people about upcoming appointments, sending new lab results or just addressing routine questions, email gets the job done.

But here’s the problem. Standard email platforms lack the all-important safeguards needed to handle protected health information (PHI) securely. This poses major compliance, security and trust issues down the road.

HIPAA-focused email solution Paubox plugs this gap by automatically encrypting all messages using TLS, in storage and during transmission. Even if emails fall into the wrong hands, encrypted content remains secured and unreadable without proper access.

Beyond virtually eliminating the risk of data interception, automatically encrypted email from providers such as Paubox brings other benefits. For example, patients can openly discuss personal health details directly within email without the hassle of portal hopping or needing to follow extra steps for the sake of security. That friction-free convenience understandably makes patients more eager to engage.

At the same time, healthcare providers simply conduct all email communications, whether a quick prescription confirmation or sharing new test results, using the same Gmail or Outlook clients they use each day – that is, once Paubox’s servers have been connected to the email app you prefer. Toggling between different inboxes based on message sensitivity becomes irrelevant. Communication stays neatly threaded and searchable in one spot, too, resulting in more convenience for patients and providers alike, whether at a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Self-Scheduling That Finally Works

Between last minute cancellations, scheduling coordination issues, and endless appointment booking conversations going back-and-forth, calendars can become a serious headache for healthcare staff. Hours lost playing “phone tag” directly takes away from more value-added tasks, whereas long response times and limited booking options frustrate patients and negatively impact their experience. 

Self-service patient scheduling platform Mend eliminates these hurdles by enabling patients to independently book, reschedule, or cancel appointments 24/7 based on personal availability and preferences. 

From a patient perspective, this self-serve model brings a lot more convenience, immediacy, and control to the table – especially since they don’t have to wait around for a call back or cross their fingers for that early morning appointment. Patients can simply log on, see openings across providers, and set up visits for whatever dates and times fit best their individual needs.

For office administrators, hours previously spent juggling calendars and endless follow-up calls are more or less eliminated. Time recouped can now focus on boosting patient intake, tending to critical tasks, and personally assisting those with more complex situations. Customizable reminders also encourage attendance while reducing no-shows.

Integrated Telehealth

Email and text exchanges have limits when providing comprehensive care. But with integrated telehealth, healthcare organizations can deliver complete treatment consultation, prep, execution and follow-up care all from one unified practice management system.

Pabau makes delivering virtualized healthcare simple through their encrypted video conferencing capabilities, integrated directly into other workflow tools. Once again, this consolidation means no more forcing patients to juggle access credentials across disjointed apps. And providers benefit from tighter coordination across the care continuum as telehealth layers onto existing systems.

Pabau’s telehealth solution shines when it comes to convenience and versatility. Simple three-step configuration unlocks enterprise-grade video connectivity supporting consult group sizes up to 25 people, which is perfect for conducting virtual visits, securely collaborating across dispersed care teams, or connecting with specialized practitioners outside the organization.

As such, patient treatment truly no longer needs to start and stop solely at the physical facility doorsteps. Platforms such as Pabau unlock flexibility to take consultations and check-ins to whatever personalized format makes the most sense for supporting patient needs on a case by case basis.

It All Comes Down to Convenience and Trust

Constructing an effective healthcare communication strategy is tricky. Providers must balance security, compliance, usability and features while keeping patient needs firmly in sight the entire time.

Luckily, as messaging systems continue advancing specially for healthcare use cases, having it all in a single platform is possible. The solutions covered in this post tackle the core requirements of privacy, access, connectivity and utility needed to improve the patient experience, while scaling effectively to address emerging needs down the road.

At the end of the day, communication is meant to simplify and strengthen connections between people. Modern healthcare relationship tools now exist to securely bridge the virtual care gaps experienced by providers and patients alike. If you are a healthcare provider, identify what engagement scenarios generate the most friction currently, then explore options purpose-built to turn these problem spaces into conveniences.

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